Saturday, 15 October 2011

so tired and achy

and I have to go to work today too :(

Saturday, 8 October 2011

first saturday without the Doctor

let's hope we can all cope @ 7pm

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

quiet wednesday morning

I hope today's this dull & quiet :)

Monday, 19 September 2011

yarrr, it be talk like a pirate day

avast ye lubbers, splice the main brace, hoist the flag and haul the anchor

Saturday, 17 September 2011

poorly tummy

can't think what its off but I hope I'm better tomorrow...


A good episode of Doctor Who, not as good as last week but more interesting with all the running and the screaming and the Weeping Angels.  The ending was kind of forced imo, Rory leaving has been signposted for the last couple of episodes but making skirt girl leave felt kind of clunky because she wasn't ready to go and it feels like we'll see her again because she's not ready to give up the Doctor just yet...

home again

from the salt mine, and I ache all over!

Saturday, 10 September 2011

The Blair Witch Moon Landing

Apollo 18 is great, it forgoes unnecessary CGI in exchange for physical and emotional intensity and drama, I'd take quality of acting over flashy visual effects any day, luckily most of my fave  telly shows and films combine both.  It's a brave attempt at film making, and one that's rewarding, keeping the scares back for the last half hour of the film allows the viewer to get to know the characters, to feel a bond and a connection to and with them, so when things really go wrong we feel scared for them and want them to get out of danger.  The ending is implied with the loss of all three astronauts but there's just enough wriggle room in there for a sequel if they want to make one.

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Night Terrors (or that Tomorrow People story)

Tonight was a good episode of Doctor Who, the only problem is I've seen this story before, when it was a 70's Tomorrow People story called The Blue and the Green, but at lest night didn't end with the Doctor hijacking a space satellite and putting everyone to sleep.
Rory and Amy were slightly put to one side to give the Doctor a more centre-stage appearance, although Rory once again gets to act all heroic, this time with a mop.  Still last week he punched Hitler!

Tuesday, 30 August 2011


Well I got into the site yesterday teatime and by 8pm I'd thoroughly finished with it, it's very much aimed at younger children, there's little else for older kids, never mind adults.  Once you've read all the background bits behind the characters, situations and objects there's nothing else of interest.  Only the first book is available to view too, so until they let me read the stuff about the Chamber of Secrets there's no reason for me to visit the site again.

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Let's Kill Hitler (no real spoilers)

the wait was long but the return of the Doctor was amazing and the birth of River Song was just brilliant and she's been a very bad girl...

Friday, 26 August 2011

listening to the new RHCP single

really badly advertised seeing as I was waiting for it and only found out 5 days after release

Thursday, 25 August 2011

got DWM

need to read it

sorted out some tunes

to play when I'm reading, nothing worse than scrabbling around the house looking for a cd when now its right there ready to play :)

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

going through my stuff

throwing out a load of rubbish I didn't know I still had, the binman won't like me next week ;)

done 2 shops today!

one for food for the rest of the week and the weekend, the other for a few bits of stuff :)

got the new Radio Times

with the Doctor on the front cover :)

Monday, 22 August 2011

done 7 loads of washing today

the 8th is in the tub being done right now and there's at least 2 more loads to be done tomorrow, although the weather's supposed to be rainy then...

Sunday, 21 August 2011

listening to the Ramones

Loco Live, 33 songs :) 1...2...3...4!

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

lego harry potter

really getting there now, Chamber and Prisoner are done completley, 1 thing to do for Philosopher then I can focus on Goblet :)

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

soooo tired

at least I'm off work all next week :)

Monday, 15 August 2011

less sore boobage

my boobs are much less sore now, only the nipples are really tender now, although the right breast is still a little more tender than the left

Lego Harry Potter

I'm doing quite well, still got a lot to do before I unlock everything, and the 2nd part (covering books 5, 6 & 7) is out in time for Christmas...

sandwich maker extrordinaire

made up a load of sandwiches to freeze, they'll do for now and then ove the next fortnight :)

ah is back

got a temp filling and an appt in october for the driller filler :)  I hope they don't get readymix concrete in to make the filling mixture!

Dentist Today

Let's hope it's nothing like Marathon Man ;)

Friday, 12 August 2011

3 day weekend, woo hoo

pity I have to get up early tomorrow to do the housework as the gasman *may* turn up to service my back boiler (zero pun intended as I is a lezzer) and then it's off to the post office to pick up a parcel and then maybe its time to plot the destruction of the evil heterosexual empire, or possibly do the washing

Thursday, 11 August 2011

shoes 3 sizes too small!

talk about false advertising, and I ordered an extra half size up just in case they were a little small, but I didn't expect them to be that small!

boobs still sore

but they feel fuller which is a good thing I guess as they do have a lot of growing to do to get them to a size even close to normal for my size & frame, although with the extra cake I troughed today they might get there a day sooner ;)

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

ordered some new shoes

hopefully they'll arrive over the weekend :)

Sunday, 7 August 2011

sore nipples

very tender and they hurt if I rub them with any pressure, I think this a normal part of breast development seeing as its happening to both at the same time and they're both sore in the same way.

Monday, 1 August 2011


got signed up today, it sounds interesting, I hope it can deliver at least a fraction of what it promises

Saturday, 30 July 2011

The Sunmakers

Quite a nice little runaround really, lots of drama and character interplay to keep things ticking along and interesting at the same time.  It doesn't feel too long or too short either and there's no lagging in the middle of the episodes so all in all it's a nice little gem of a story about corporate exploitation, social stratification, revolution and the writer having a go at the system about his tax bill.

Friday, 29 July 2011

The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest

The conclusion to the trilogy is just as downbeat as the previous 2 installments and yet there's a satisfaction to the completion, that one a journey completed and another one yet to come, alas I doubt we'll ever see that direction that road might go in.

Thursday, 28 July 2011

The Girl Who Played With Fire

I didn't think anything could top the bleakness of Dragon Tattoo but PWF is such a dark meat grinder of a bloodbath, I'm not sure that even the 7th Doctor suffered as much in a Kate Orman novel as Lizbeth did in this film!

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Well that was a cheery film ;)  A rather harsh and brutal story really with lots of harshness and brutality all around.

Monday, 25 July 2011

watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1

on DVD, can't wait until Part 2 is released, I'll get the DVD version to round off my collection as I hate it when collections don't match become someone has the bright idea of changing the cover design partway through a run, a plague of boils upon all such folk where it hurts them the most!

hurty feet

my feet still haven't quite recovered from my lunchtime walk :(

off to work

for a killer 9 hour day...

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Doing My Roots

They're greyer that Gray McGrey the greyest woman in all of Grayland, where its very grey indeed, until now of course thanks to the miracle of hair dye :)

Saturday, 23 July 2011

saturday night

and it's DVD night :) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix :)

Thursday, 21 July 2011

pic from last night

Judas Priest taking their final bow after the show :)

Judas Priest was great

lots of clasics and some other stuff too, must dig out my copy of Turbo, sure it was nowhere near as heavy on it as they played it tonight.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

back to work today

still at least I see Judas Priest on weds night and I have thurs off to recover :)

Monday, 18 July 2011

that first cuppa of the day

pity its 1.30 in the afternoon and its decaf, still it's a cuppa :)

Saturday, 16 July 2011

croissants for breakfast

yum yum :)

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2

And so it ends, from a dark and dreary day in November 2001 to a dark and cold night in July 2011 the final film in the saga concludes a journey taken along with so many others.  For me it was a happy and sad event, happy because I feel a part of something special that doesn't happy very often at all, sad because after it being a part of my life for a decade it's now over.  There will be other films, other books, other things but nothing I feel will quite capture the imagination and interest of the entire world quite like the small boy who lived under the stairs and went on to become the saviour of humanity.  The books will live on and become timeless classics and perhaps one day someone will remake the films, for a new generation but these movies are our Harry Potter, we must treasure them and mourn their passing for we will never again have the feeling of waiting for the release of the next part of the series.  To future generations who one day will await with expectation the release of their Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone I say this: enjoy it, you're on for the ride of a lifetime.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

got more drugs

to help my boobies grow :)

Saturday, 9 July 2011

my feet hurt so much!

after walking with the union banner at the Durham Miner's Gala, still it was a good day out, lots of fun, lots of sunshine, LOTS of rain

Thursday, 7 July 2011

the humidity really saps my energy

I wake up feeling ready for bed, its ridiculous!

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

minging hot today :(

someone cancel the summer!

Sunday, 3 July 2011

left the labour party

they won't support the political left, so why should I pay them money to condemn me if I take industrial action?

watched AC/DC :)

tehy were just as good as when I saw them back in 1996 on their Ballbreaker tour

ordered the new Who books

Borrowed Time, Touched by an Angel & Paradox Lost


by Neil Gaiman, added to my to read pile

listening to The Best of Europe

£3 for some good euro hair metal :)

got some new cd's to watch

the Night Watch & Day Watch duo and the new AC/DC concert.

got a new Dalek

this one's yellow, I call her Dalek Judy

ordered some more big finish CD's

they'll see me through til december

couln't get me drugs

yesterday, as they were out of stock at the chemist, so I have to go back on monday to get me hormones

Thursday, 30 June 2011

my poem for today

June 30th

The shameless counting king couldn’t sing
Today the scream of silence forbade a sound
The quiet anger did turn and not meander
Goodly folk did much to deftly warn the rest

Who can know which way passions will flow
Like a ducal army upon Sisyphatic hills
We will proclaim our unity without shame
Our love for each other is more than words

The stolen throne disgraced by lying tone
Defiled and robbed of dignity too long
Topple the pretender and end Caesar’s render
We’ve outgrown the need for figureheads

So rise up the banner of freedom’s manor
Not a physical thing it lives in hearts & minds
As one we defy and make it their turn to cry
No more needing others to control our fate

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

can't wait for thursday

wednesday's really going to get in the way...

so glad I've finished for the day

one to go, hopefully the morning meeting will eat up most of the day :)

too hot

someone turn down the heat on the summer please

True Blood

watched the first 2 episodes of the new season, its an interesting start but one with some obvious storyline hooks that could really have been covered up just a little more to make them less obvious.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Earth Story

6 episodes of Old Skool Who to watch tonight, 4 of them in b&w!


A Romance in Twelve Parts arrived today :)

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

going through my e-mails

it's all go this evening


my new Che t-shirt & bag have arrived along with the copy of my new book

tired after work

but it was a busy day

Sunday, 19 June 2011

feeling better today

but still not back to 100%, I've never been back to 100% since that bout of swine flu a couple of years ago :(

so tired yesterday

I think I over-did the walking on Friday, especially as I was wearing heels

Friday, 17 June 2011

Green Lantern

Well it was ok, not as good as First Flight or Emerald Knights but it sets things up nicely for Sinestro's fall to the power of fear in any sequel made, which I think should be made as there's a lot of potential with this version of Hal, he's had his boot camp, so to speak, now we need to see the brightest light shining in the darkest night...

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

rewatching QI again

it's my fave quiz show because its funny and educational at the same time :)

tired today

after work, it really was a grind today, just unreleanting busyness, so glad I've got a much lighter work load tomorrow.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

feet are sore

from walking far too much about the office in me heels, I think I need to keep a pair of flats at work to change into when I get here.

finished watching X-Men, for now

that's 3 seasons down, two to go, which I'll probably get next month, well after I get paid anyway

Monday, 13 June 2011

4 companion chronicles :)

The Perpetual Bond & Cold Equations (1st Doctor, Steven & Oliver), The Sentinals of the New Dawn (3rd Doctor & Liz) and Ferril's Folly (4th Doctor & 1st Romana)

Sunday, 12 June 2011

The Very Best of Shaun William Ryder

apparently he wrote for luck for kelly's 24 hour party hero people

Saturday, 11 June 2011

watching X Men

the animated series, season 1 and half of season 2 done, 2nd half of season 2 to go :)

Thursday, 9 June 2011

the closed circle

well it took 2 days but I finished watching Full Circle with Michael Palin (not to be confused with Doctor Who 'Full Circle' which introduces Adric) and its a very different beast again to the last two travels.  Its even more relaxed in its pace and there's so many different locations on show and yet at times it really feels like a lot has been left out (this is partially confirmed with almost an hour of cut material available as an extra on the 3rd disc).  The contrast between the various countries visited can be very stark, such as going from Japan to Korea to Indonesia or from Chile to Bolivia.  In the supplementary interview Michael recounts a personal family crisis which makes the show feel even more human as its a reminder that he's not an isolated wanderer but a man a long way from home sharing his journey with the rest of the world.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

early night last night

= getting up this morning 3 hours earlier than yesterday :)

Sunday, 5 June 2011

X Men: First Class

Its an epic film, staring with a recap of little Eric arriving at the death camp and doing the gate thing, through to meeting Sebastian Shaw (aka Klaus Schmidt) then to Xavier Manor where a young Charles meets Raven (later to become Mystique).  It's an interesting story which at times contradicts the three parent movies of this prequel but it does its own thing with style and aplomb as we see how many of the future heroes and villains start out on their paths to their various destinies, plus a couple of surprises along the way, the film's only real expletive being uttered by the coolest cameo of all time.  Beast and Banshee work really well together and Havok is pretty cool too, it'll be interesting to see if there's a follow up movie that covers the lte 60's and early 1970's, as Origins: Wolverine has the late 70's covered and its follow up will most likely cover the 1980's

Saturday, 4 June 2011

equator to pole

watched the 2nd part of Pole to Pole last night, it's been an interesting series, more relaxed and secure with itself, it spends time looking at the places Michael visits and there's a strong sense of hope in many of the nations he visits, even though his own seems to flag in the last couple of episodes.  The series covers half the distance of ATWI80D but takes nearly twice as long getting there, so there's more time spent finding good shots, interesting people, to make each episode the best it can be and it works too, its a very rich and varied series with a little twist at the start of the final episode.

Friday, 3 June 2011

Pole to Equator

Watched the first 4 episodes of Pole to Pole last night :)  It's a somewhat different beast to ATWI80D, in that its a much more leisurely amble, there's less sense of urgency and more time is spent learning more about the countries passed through.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

The Incredible Hulk

A reboot, reimagining, remake, remount, rebranding of the Hulk, its a much smaller production in a way even though there seems to be just as much fighting and stuff, now though it's Hulk vs humans much more than Hulk vs machines and the big wide shots of desert and wasteland are now tighter inner city shots and much more close ups on individual characters.  Still all in all its a good film and there's some nice little homages to the tv series of the 1970's.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

20 Years and 80 Days Around The World

Just finished watching the 80 Days Around The World: 20 Years On boxset, it's a very good series, I loved the series when it was first broadcast (I was 16 at the time and the final year of Sylvester McCoy's reign as the Doctor was on the telly too, to give you some added historical value) and I watched it again a couple of years later on VHS tape but since then I didn't watch it until last night and tonight.  It's very human series, its about people, the way we relate to friends and perfect strangers and every episode is different, each has its own identity and pace which makes it a very interesting series as its fresh viewing each time, there's no sense of repetition even though it could easily have been train, boat, train, boat all the way through.  I recommend it to anyone who's never seen it before and I doubly recommend it to anyone who has seen it before, its time well spent getting reacquainted with it.  Of added value is the 20 years later documentary where Michael goes in search of the crew or the Al Sharma, the dhow he spent a week onboard as he crossed from Dubai to Bombay (as it was called then) and he recreates in part this voyage on an Iranian crewed dhow and once in Mumbai he traces the grew and has a reunion with them and a good laugh together as they watch episode 3 together and they relive that week 20 years ago.

generally achey all over

this morning but I guess I'll be fine once I get going and into the day.

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

hurty legs

I think I over did the walking today as my legs are really sore and hurty :(

Monday, 30 May 2011

poorly tummy

as well as feeling hot and cold and not to mention the two hours on the loo :(

dream last night

I dreamed that I was down in brighton for a conference and there was a tidal wave!  Also the hotel's staircase led up to a road kind of like an underground station arrangement, so that was a convenient escape route.

Sunday, 29 May 2011

currently working out how to de-friend bigots on facebook

it's in the options somewhere...

quiet day

played WoW, now going to strip the bed and wash the covers.

weird dream too

about building Daleks out of lego

early night last night

out of it by 9pm!

Saturday, 28 May 2011


what an ending!  what's going to happen next week?  it's going to be a long week until 6.40pm on the 4th of June 2011

(of course the wait for the second leg of the season will be even longer)

looking forward to Who tonight

just 45 mins to go :)

Friday, 27 May 2011

Red Dwarf

watched The End last night :)  it's a very quotable series :)

finished watching True Blood

last night :)  Can't wait for season 4 now :)

Thursday, 26 May 2011

ten down

two episodes of True Blood season 3 to go :)

Wednesday, 25 May 2011


not a bad start to the new series, lots of mystery and intrigue to deepen the storylines :)

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

one year older

not necessarily one year wiser

Monday, 23 May 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Not a bad little movie, takes a long time to get anywhere, but as Jack says it's not about the destination but the journey.  There's all the usual elements, the gritty grimey dirty squallor of London (sadly its still the same today) and there's boats and magic and lots of people shouting and screaming and doing stuff.  All in all though it didn't quite feel big enough in a way, like it was a taster for something better to follow on later.  If the rumours are true then there'll be another 2 movies coming along soon, hopefully they'll add some flavour for us to savour.

putting together a folder of my fave songs

for when I'm on my computer, I can listen to all myfaves without spending hours looking back and forth through al my files to find good somgs

Sunday, 22 May 2011

cheese sandwich for tea

something nice with flavour, and ketchup of course :)

doing me arcaeology on WoW

today, want to get max skill points if possible :)

3 of 5

the middle day of my super long birthday weekend and after a nice lie in I'm just chilling out listening to George Harrison and Bob Dylan

Saturday, 21 May 2011

The Rebel Doctor (?)

great story, looking forward to part 2

is awake

still got a sore neck, got the wheaty-heat bag on it though

Friday, 20 May 2011

drinking Pepsi Max

the taste of my generation :)

World of Warcraft

trying to get my DK to lvl 81 :)

more drugs :)

well hormone patches :)

one of five

the first day of my 5 day long birthday weekend starts now :)

Thursday, 19 May 2011

almost 9pm

and still light, winter's definetly a long time gone :)

still getting phishing e-mails from idiots

it's fun to see how pathetic they really are, even if they were genuine pleas from dying people I'd still ignore them

going to wear my new bra today

as well as my new red trousers, I've worn skirts for the past week so I guess I can wear trousers for a day :)

Might watch Dune tonight

the extended 3 hour version by David Lynch Alan Smithee

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Probably Poetry released as an e-book

my first collection of poetry has been adapted into an e-book, with better formatting and everything (so it scans easier on an e-reader) so buy it if you want or not, I don't expect anyone to buy any of my books so it's always a pleasent if someone does.

less than a week to go

to my birthday, now I just want to get it over with

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

I need a new bra

I just do, I'm bored with all my current ones, even the one I got just last month


had a good day, conference thingy in the morning (and lunchtime as well) then back to work for a quiet time doing a write up and handing out some leaflets too.

Monday, 16 May 2011

I love my new denim skirt

it's so very me :)

somedays I'm cursed with inspiration

as I've come up with abnother idea for a book, even though I'm still on editing one and I've just started another, this one is kind of based on a dream a bit but has some of my usual wacky ideas about gender identity and sexuality thrown in with a basic fight between good and evil, it's a lot more morally certain than what I've been writing so far

Sunday, 15 May 2011

listening to Don McLean

bye bye miss american pie

still feeling tired

took some anti flu pills to try and perk me up

2nd concert this year, first!

As well as going to see Judas Priest in July, I'm also going to see Ginger and Willie Dowling on their acoustic tour of the UK later this month, the day after my birthday to be exact :)

Saturday, 14 May 2011

The Doctor's Masterpiece

what an episode, amazing, superb, so under played and yet to epic too, a definite burst of excitement to counter last week's dullness.

off work now till tuesday

woo hoo :)

sooooooo tired

after work today, might have an afternoon nap...

Friday, 13 May 2011

watched Resident Evil

seen it b4 but it was good to watch it again after a couple of years :)

huge pile of washing to do

well it shouldn't be but my freshlly cleaned clothes got mixed in with my ready to wash clothes and rather than spend ages sorting them all out I'm simply going to wash the whole lot and that'll make sure everything's clean :)

poorly this morning

I thought I was getting flu again but it passed although I have felt really drained for all of today

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

yay, I get to work late tomorrow :)

I'll have to take the car in cos I won't get a bus home that late since the Tories stopped them running after 8pm

wore my sandals to work today

never again, my feet are way too sore to wear them for that length of time ever again

back to work today

after a nice long weekend off :)

watched Doctor Who

Spearhead from Space & Terror of the Autons :)

watched Father Ted

The first 4 episodes of the first season anyway :)

Monday, 9 May 2011

toast for breakfast

with some ketchup for flavour :)

played Civ IV

pretty much for the whole of the morning and the afternoon, and that was just one game :)

Sunday, 8 May 2011

a rainy day

still it's good for the garden and the ducks :)

Saturday, 7 May 2011

The Yawn of the Black Spot

rather dull really, next week looks good though :)

watched Survivors last night

well the first 3 episodes of the 1970's series :)  They're good, couldn't help compare them to the rebooted series episodes based on them, both tell the same sorts of stories but in their own ways.

Friday, 6 May 2011

off work now till tuesday :)

3 1/2 days of nowt, I intend to be a real lady of leisure (ie a lazy cow) :)

watched Rock & Chips last night

The pilot episode & the two specials, pity it never made it to a series as there's a lot of potential with this series, plus there's a lot left unsaid, but never mind.  The premise is good although some of the characters are less convincing than others, still they're not doing a straight copy of the characters but doing their own interpretation of them which gives these 3 stories an identity and strength of their own.

Rock & Chips - 9/10
Five Gold Rings - 8/10
The Frog & the Pussycat - 8/10

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

warm today

after a cold night, I'd prefer to chill out and have a quiet night but I have a bloke popping around to look at me electric

watched 8 eps of Black Books last night

I feel so decadant having such a lazy evening

20 days and counting

to my birthday...

might wear me black skirt to work today

as it looks to be a fabulous skirty kind of day :)

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

scripted up

got my prescription for more t-blocking pills :)

back to work

after the long double bank holiday weekend :)

Sunday, 1 May 2011


not a bad film, very funny at times epecially when they keep running him over.  Saw that the great JMS himself was responsible for the script which explains why the dialogue is so good as he has a genius talent for character interactions and relationships :)

1 year down, the rest of my life to go :)

it's not so much a real life test to see if I like living as a woman, so much as finally getting to live my life as the woman I've always been :)  It hasn't always been easy going but life isn't always easy going.  It's been better living in truth than living a lie because I am a woman, I've always been a woman, but a fluke of biology has hidden that truth and for a long time I lived in fear behind the lie not daring to tell the truth out of fear.  Now I've been the real me for a year and I've loved every second of it.  I have been as feminine and womanly as I've wanted to be and I want to be as much of a woman as any woman can be or would want to be.  It took 11 months to get onto hormones and I'm glad they're finally starting to reshape my body properly, giving me the real bust and bum that I should have had at puberty.  At last I'm finally starting to fill out my c cup bras by myself rather than relying on chicken filets.  I might have to start buying d cup bras by christmas, wouldn't that be something to look forward to?

Saturday, 30 April 2011

time lords in radio times covers conspiracy

the other week was the Doctor and this week it's the Master, who's next Jenny and her great grandmum or even Rassilon himself?

Day of the Moon

an interesting conclusion in that it leaves many questions deliberetly unanswered and makes a point of saying its leaving them unanswered on purpose.  Is that a regenerated Jenny?  What were the Silence really doing?  Why was River so freaked out about a kiss?

Friday, 29 April 2011

finished the first draft of my latest book

The Disciples of St Judas is a modest book, although told as a short story collection they form an overall story about the group and its members from the initial idea to the coming war with The Lodge of the Damned, a rival organisation (and also the working title for the idea of a possible sequel)

Finished Return

a good day well spent :)  I think I might read a book tonight, done enough DVD watching for today :)

half way through

Return of the King...

finished watching The Two Towers

The Return of the King soon :)

watched The Fellowship of the Ring

now watching The Two Towers :)

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Rock & Chips

Well that was actually rather good :)  A nice open end to the series, pity there almost certainly won't be any more eps, unless some scripts have been written already of course

2nd ever lulu payment

after paying the standard US tax rate I got a couple of pennies to rub together, glad for the cash, I just hope its not another 3 years until the next payment ;)

reorganising my MP3's

on my phone and my player

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

ordered season 2 of Survivors

never saw it the 1st time round and HMV wanted £30 for it, Amazon only wanted £10

watched Future Sailors

last night, the 2nd Boosh live DVD :) it's all good fun :)

Monday, 25 April 2011

new idea for a book

to work on after I finish The Disciples of St. Judas, its about human nature, good and evil, order and chaos, the working title is Archetype

might get blake's 7 audios

when I get paid this week


got some food in for the front of the week


did today's noblegarden daily quest

most of the washing up done

well its done and out of the way for the rest of the day :)

Sunday, 24 April 2011

quiet day

did my washing, played WoW, had a nice tea, watched Time Team, played more WoW and did 1/3 of the washing up

The Impossible Astronaut - With Spoliers

OMG!!!!!  What an episode, what a start to the show!  The Doctor's dead, well his 200 year older self is and no-one can tell him they saw it happen.  Then theres the mysterious new baddies of the year, not really scary, they're just annoying really, very pale imitations of the Shadows from Babylon 5 in my view.  The painting and tunnelling scenes were fun though and Nixon is always good value for money, although I'm still waiting for him to say arrroooo like he does in Futurama ;)

Saturday, 23 April 2011

watched Who pt 3

The Hungry Earth
Cold Blood
Vincent and the Doctor
The Lodger
The Pandorica Opens
The Big Bang
A Christmas Carol
The Death of the Doctor pts 1 & 2
Space & Time
The Impossible Astronaut Prequel

bring on tonight's episode...


having a nice cuppa this morning

Friday, 22 April 2011


last week someone had a go at my shed, well last night they were back and this time they succeeded :(  they took my lawnmower and a bottle of weed killer, an odd combination I know, but still it means there's no point keeping anything in my shed anymore expect a few things for weeding my garden but the main thing is the feeling of vulnerability and violation that someone would not just try once but twice to steal from me, its not a nice feeling especially after 5 years of feeling safe and secure where I live.

nice quiet indoors sort of day today

at least that's the plan, just chill and ill :)

quite a boring dream last night

just dreamed that I had a boob job and I kept knocking things over with them because they were so big and I was so uncoordinated at first until I learned to compensate and then I was fine :)

under 36 hours to new Who

will my marathon rewatching of all Matt Smiths stories be completed b4 then, and if so will I be put off and not want to watch another episode?

nice breakfast

2 small croissants and a cup of coffee

watched more Doctor Who

Flesh and Stone + plus extra TARDIS scene
The Vampires of Venice
Amy's Choice

Thursday, 21 April 2011

watched Doctor Who

The Eleventh Hour + Extra Scene
The Beast Below
Victory of the Daleks
The Time of Angels

morning world

I want a nice quiet day today, thank you :)

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Doctor Who season 5 boxset

got it for £35 from HMV which is atm cheaper than amazon :)

watched School Reunion last night

David Tennant looked so young too, the show really aged him between his first season and The End of Time :(

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Lis Sladen RIP

she is best known to the UK as Sarah Jane Smith, the savvy journalist companion of the 3rd, 4th, 10th and 11th Doctors

home again

its very warm today!  had a nice walk into town at lunchtime, then had a meeting and now I'm just chilling out and enjoying my lazy day :)

wearing my black dress today

the same one I wore for the march on the 26th March (it's been washed since then, twice)

listening to Red Hot Chili Peppers

Californication, Dani California & Snow ((Hey Oh))

odd dream

I dreamed I won a wet t-shirt competition!

Monday, 18 April 2011

1/2 day tomorrow :)

although I have a meeting to go to in the afternoon

home again

an early night for me I think, after a late tea :)

cold morning

lets hope it gets warmer during the day :)

Sunday, 17 April 2011

watching Going Postal

good old Terry, he writes some good stories and other people make good telly out of them :)

I'm in the mood for some Trek

just a episode or two, maybe a movie, just to Trek up the evening

nice quiet day

washing done, need to make sarnies up for next week & freeze them

first load of washing in the machine

must have a nice refreshing shower soon to get me ready for the day :)

another sunny day

must start doing my housework soon though...

Saturday, 16 April 2011

gonna be a sunny day today :)

almost a pity to be in the office working, but never mind...

Friday, 15 April 2011

the drugs do work

my breasts look really big now I don't need to wear my falsies anymore to look like I have boobs :)

listening to some cool songs this evening

later on I'll watch Jon Pertwee's final story as the Doctor

got a later bus tonight :)

cos I couldn't find the sugar in Tesco's without asking the lady there, so there was no stinky bus tramp to offend me with his inability to grasp the concept of hygiene


an hour earlier than I need to be up this week, but i gets me in readiness for next week

Thursday, 14 April 2011

listening to Doctor Who

Thin Ice featuring Sylvester McCoy as the Doctor

someone's had a go at my shed :(

they've tried to force the lock apparently but it held, dunno what they were after, the lawn mower, the petrol for it or maybe the bottles of weed killers

stinky bus tramp on the bus again :(

he didn't sit behind me luckily, and I sprayed myself with some pretty deoderant too to counter his unwashed ripocity.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

cheese stuffed mushrooms for tea

my speciality it seems, or at least my fave meal atm :)  it's a nice, simple, meal to make and just as easy to eat :)

stuck behind a stinky bus tramp tonight :(

I don't think he'd ever had a wash, ever, it was acrid, I think I have chemical burns inside my throat off him!

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

got heart burn

so no sleep for me I lost my gaviscom tablets :(

I just want to go to sleep and wake up in time for Doctor Who

there's nothing else for me in between now and then :(

I hate my job

it's complete rubbish

another sunny day

and I'll be stuck inside an office that insists on having the heating on!

Tails of the Wolf e-book

is available to buy now

back to work

after a nice long & relaxing 4 day weekend :)

Monday, 11 April 2011

TGoW3 is a go!

yay, that's the trilogy done :)

still editing

yep, getting there though

cut the grass

got a face full of grass dust into the bargain though :( that'll set my allergy off soon no doubt :( when I was a kid it'd have been pretty much instant but over the years I have developed a tolerence to grass and grass dust.

afternoon getting out ok

it was really dim & dull this morning :(

on editing TGoW3

just sorting out the spacing and the layout of the text to get it looking good for an e-reader, I'm following the same methedology of text sizing and spacing as my other e-books, as they work fine on my Kindle :)

my new bra arrived

wearing it now, it fits ok, its good to feel my real boobs instead of those chicken fillets, of course it's good to have boobs to fit into a bra, even if they're currently small compared to what I can expect to develop, hopefully, I'm starting to get the breast growth tingle in them so hopefully there'll be a need to go up a cup size by the end of the year :)

got the new Foo Fighters MP3 album

only £3.99 from amazon :)

had lunch

a yummy cheese sarnie with chili ketchup

managed to pay by dialling a robot

she wasn't as chatty as Alice or as nice as Trudiode or as klepto as Violet so I think it went ok, but not a method I'd like to use again any time soon

can't seem to pay my council tax

finally got them to get my name and gender right, now they won't take my money off me

shopped up

got some scran in for the week, need to make sarnies up later to freeze for work, so I'm not spending a fortune of shop bought all the time

showered & dressed

now to put my warpaint on and find some shoes to complete my outfit for today :)

about to start editing TGoW3

it'll be the technically most challenging book because it's the most diverse volume in the saga as I wanted to give the original Book 10 a fragmentry feel to it, so it felt like a collection of bits of stories all jumbled together into one large mass of text, I'm not sure how that's going to work compared to the really sleek text of the original Book 8 which was a really tight and slick 2nd half of a 2 part novel, but we shall see...

The Gods of War - Volume 2

The second volume in the epic Gods of War saga comes to e-book with an all new edit to make it easier to read, especially on a Kindle. See Luke, Cindy, Amber and Pandora battle evil in its many guises alongside the gods pledged to protect humanity. See the werewolf uprising and its brutal put-down, as well as the opening gambit of Averruncus' plan to sieze control of the heavens and the earth.

The Gods of War - Volume 1

Volume 1 of my epic 3 volume saga, it's a bit bizarre, bit weird, it mixes horror, sci-fi and fantasy in a modern suburban setting, kind of like Buffy the Vampire Slayer meets Lord of the Rings meets The Terminator...

on editing e-books

I'm hoping to get 2 published today :)

internet wonky again

it's all a bit surreal

morning world

I'm awake and I have a cuppa :)

Sunday, 10 April 2011

internet weird again

it kept cutting out before, it's still a bit stop/start atm

sorting out my Kindle

I had really big generic collections, I've broken them up into smaller collections to make them more navigatable :)

Time Team was good

this week, quite enjoyed it on the whole, looking forward to the special this Thursday (if I remember to watch it that is)

washing up

washed my cutlery and some of the mugs up :)

slow internet this morning

seems to be working now though

listening to Vale Decem

it's the saddest music ever because it's the music that plays whenthe 10th Doctor regenerates

Saturday, 9 April 2011

watching The Day Today

watched the first 2 eps, it's kind of funny, hoping it'll get funnier though

I need more storage room for my clothes

I don't have the room for it but I'd like another wardrobe for my blouses, skirts and dresses and another set of drawers for my tops & jeans, my current drawers are half taken up with my lingerie (my drawers are full of drawers ;))

listening to Slayer

their latest CD, World Painted Blood :)

sunlight fail

I ran out of useable sunlight to dry my duvet sheet so it's on the radiator while the other bedding is in the dryer getting rizzed :)

last load of washin in now

it's good when I can get it all done in one day, as it leaves the rest of the weekend for the rest of the housework :)

on editing my next e-book

The Gods of War - Volume 1, it's the same as the paperback version but the text needs a little massaging to make it work well on my kindle

listening to Oasis

their first cd, back when they were good :)

need a cuppa

time for my 13:23h cup of coffee :)

3rd load of washing in the machine

doing all my dark clothing now, and playing WoW while I wait for them to finish

is it possible to own too many pink clothes

it seems that whenever I sort my waship up into groups the pink pile is always the largest, I'm not complaining as pink is my favourite colour but I don't want people to think that I wear it just to convince people I'm a woman, I wear it to express my femininity yes but also I do like the colour and how it suits my figure and my hair and eyes, maybe I'm just having an existential crisis?

first load of washing in the machine

want to get an early start on things the washing today so I can get it out on the line to dry, I don't mind putting my skirts and blouses and dresses on the line, but I don't like the idea of putting my bras, knickers and tights out on the line

watched HP movie

now watching the extras, there's some interesting stuff on it but not what I'd like, a trailer for part 2...

Friday, 8 April 2011

going to watch HP now

first the movie and then the extras :)

is back after a nice drive to the countryside and back again

it was a nice drive out on a nice spring evening, I had the windows down and some loud thrash metal tunes blasting out :)  I really do enjoy a nice drive, it can be really relaxing as all I think about is my car and the road, it gives me a break from my own inner monologue :)

has worked out how to open two pages automatically when she starts her web browser up

it's all in the options menu basically, now I get google search engine and this blog to load up every time, so I can't forget to blog...

has had her tea

cheese & onion sandwiches :)  Now to go out for another drive in the car :)

might wear my new dress tomorrow :)

it's got a shorter hemline to any of my other dresses, I wanted something a little sexy and daring to wear now that spring is here and I won't freeze my bum off if I don't wear jeans and thermal knickers

is back home after attending an LGBT networking event

I wondered if I'd learn anything, I think I learned too much in a way as it's going to take some time to mentally digest everything that I learned and see what things seem most urgent to consider, as a lesbian and a transwoman I feel there's not a whole lot of services out there for myself and I do want to do something about that.  I want to kind of build up a really strong voice of the LGBT community where I live and help educate those who don't know what the needs of the LGBT community are, which in many ways are the same needs that every  person has, I want to be able to see my GP, I want to get a train or a bus, I want to shop and save and contribute to society as an individual and as part of a greater society.

postie goodness

not only has Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 turned up in the post but so has The Day Today :)

listening to The Hounds of Artemis

a Doctor Who audio book read by Matt Smith :)

I'm hoping Harry & co arrive today in the post

doubt they will but I am looking forward to rewatching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1, as the first film made the sucky part of the book look good and actually work as a storyline because the book version really doesn't.

'The Raithaduine Saga' is available to buy as an e-book

'The Raithaduine Saga' combines my very first full length novel 'Refugees of the Raithaduine' with its follow up 'Orphans of the Raithaduine' into one big action adventure sci-fi comedy romp.  There's currently a 5% discount on the price so it's good value for money.  The PDF format allows it to work on all current e-book reader, including the Kindle (which I'm re-reading and reliving it on atm) so you can save nearly £18 by getting the e-book version rather than the hardback version :)

I (still) love being a woman

It's just great to have my gender identity right, to simply be a woman and be treated and accepted as a woman, my life is better now that I've sorted out what was a fundamental error in who I was, it's so right now that I can be myself and face life head on and not hide away.

bought a new bra

it's black and sexy and is for wearing around the house without my chicken fillets so I get the proper size fit for my boobs until they start growing with the hormonal goodness

watched Big Train last night

it was ok, but not as good as the hype said it was, I like my surreal comedy to be incredibly surreal, show jumpers fighting fires was as close as it got for me

True Blood

can't wait for season 4 to start, can't wait for season 3 to be released on DVD even more, it should have been released at Christmas imo, at least I have a bottle of Tru Blood to keep me company while I think of Pam and Hadley and Sookie...

Has it really been almost a fortnight?

Since I was in London giving my little plastic thing a good blow?  I still have my protest whistle somewhere, it'll come in handy until we can get a real government in charge of the nation instead of the (alleged) thieves and liars we have right now.

On the good drugs at last

Finally got my real anbd genuine prescription for feminising hormones :)  I did self medicate years ago to desperatley get some small boobage but now I'm on the real deal to give me the soft womanly curves that nature didn't :)  Can's wait until I have my own bust & bum without having to rely on padding to do it for me.

Spring, the time to wear skirts :)

Now that evil cold winter has gone with all its leg chilling nastiness it's now the perfect weather to wear skirts again and show off my pins, my best feature by far :)

New Who to look forward to

I'm really looking forward to Matt Smith's 2nd year as the Doctor, I'm hoping that he really builds and enhances on his amazing first year, the Christmas Special was a little under whealming so I'm hoping they've learned from their mistakes and I almost hope they do an anti-Christmas Christmas special this year because last year really overdid the Christmas thing and now I hate Christmas specials

Got a Kindle last month

it's great, amazon have a lot fo free books too, so I have some books to read :)

So today I have a day off

I'm just easing myself gently into the day this morning, haven't even had a cuppa yet, I'm that relaxed

I'm back

Just remembered that I have a blog, shame mode, been nearly 10 months since I posted, so there's quite a lot to go over, which I won't bore you to death with because most of it's boring stuff