Thursday, 9 June 2011

the closed circle

well it took 2 days but I finished watching Full Circle with Michael Palin (not to be confused with Doctor Who 'Full Circle' which introduces Adric) and its a very different beast again to the last two travels.  Its even more relaxed in its pace and there's so many different locations on show and yet at times it really feels like a lot has been left out (this is partially confirmed with almost an hour of cut material available as an extra on the 3rd disc).  The contrast between the various countries visited can be very stark, such as going from Japan to Korea to Indonesia or from Chile to Bolivia.  In the supplementary interview Michael recounts a personal family crisis which makes the show feel even more human as its a reminder that he's not an isolated wanderer but a man a long way from home sharing his journey with the rest of the world.

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