Sunday, 1 May 2011

1 year down, the rest of my life to go :)

it's not so much a real life test to see if I like living as a woman, so much as finally getting to live my life as the woman I've always been :)  It hasn't always been easy going but life isn't always easy going.  It's been better living in truth than living a lie because I am a woman, I've always been a woman, but a fluke of biology has hidden that truth and for a long time I lived in fear behind the lie not daring to tell the truth out of fear.  Now I've been the real me for a year and I've loved every second of it.  I have been as feminine and womanly as I've wanted to be and I want to be as much of a woman as any woman can be or would want to be.  It took 11 months to get onto hormones and I'm glad they're finally starting to reshape my body properly, giving me the real bust and bum that I should have had at puberty.  At last I'm finally starting to fill out my c cup bras by myself rather than relying on chicken filets.  I might have to start buying d cup bras by christmas, wouldn't that be something to look forward to?

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