Monday, 31 May 2010
one month in
and I don't regret my decision to start living full time at all, I just wish I'd had the courage twenty years ago but wishes don't mean much compared to actually doing and I'm so glad to just be able to be myself in public and not hide myself away. I love dressing in very feminine clothes, I love putting my make up on, I love accessorising my outfit and most of all I love carrying a handbag about with me, they're so useful for storing all the necessary stuff I need and they look stylish and completely girly. Who cares what others think? I try not to, I really do. Ignorance is no excuse for people's bad manners, the failure to be a human being is theirs, not mine.
Going Postal - pt. 1
Having read the book only twice (I've read other Discworld novels many more times) I found myself still somewhat surprised by the events of the story and the direction felt very confident and centred, much more so than Hogfather and The Colour of Magic/The Light Fantastic. The urban settings of the story give it a very different feel to TCoM/TLF which was very much set outside with only the Unseen University and a few other scenes set indoors. The austere wintery feel of Ankh Morpork in Hogfather feels very different to the dilapilated streets in GP, again giving this story a feel of its own. The realisation of Mr. Pump is both excellent and highly flawed. On the one hand he has a very expressive body language but on the other hand he doesn't feel as strong and relentless as golems are described in the books. Moist comes across ver well as a slimy conman caught firmly in the grasp of the Patrician and his inescapable net of doom. Adora is something of a 1920's Berlin socialite, I almost expected her to turn into Marlene Dietrich at one point! The rest of the cast range from the good (Steve Pemberton) to the average (Timothy West) to the camp (David Suchet). Charles Dance really should have been in the story more for me, his version of the Patrician is so intriguing, much more so than Jeremy Irons and at the time of TCoM/TLF I thought he might be the definitive actor in the role).
Sunday, 30 May 2010
Sex and the City 2
a good film with some generous semi male nudity and male crotch shots to keep my eyes on the screen as well as an interesting camel toe shot/joke and a generous bra-less big breasted woman running shot to satisfy my love of the ladies. The boys definetly take a back seat in this film as its all about the ladies as they bitch and moan and support each other when they're down. It's about friendship and love and finding ways to have people in your life even when your interests pull you in different directions. There's also some genuine points raised about the need to keep the feminist cause alive and relevant for the 2010's or we'll all be eating fries under a veil, unless we choose to do that of course, then it's empowerment not oppression.
Saturday, 29 May 2010
Cold Blood
OMG they killed Rory! Then he never existed! Rory was the best companion the Doctor's ever had, he was a cross between Turlough and Harry with a side order of Mickey and Jamie hold the Adric and Mike. How could they do that to us? What now for the series? I guess they thought it was a moment of high drama or something but they soooooo killed the wrong one, they should have zapped Amy imo. She's such a 1 dimensional uber-clingy version of Rose it isn't enough to call her a cliche. This is perhaps the worst companon death the series has ever done, it's right down there with Dodo and Sam Jones. Oh the Silurians story resolution was good too.
more flavours savoured
I've recently tried the Aussie BBQ Kangeroo, French Garlic Baquette, Spanish Chicken Paella, South African Sweet Chutney and Italian Spaghetti Bolognase flavours
Friday, 28 May 2010
weekendly shop
I've bought a few frozen things in for the long weekend and for early next week. I'll buy some cheap food on Monday for bait and evening meals. Also got the new HHGTTG novel, as it was on offer.
DVLA spelled my name wrong
on my driving licence :( I'll have to send it back and wait another week and a half for a new one no doubt :(
new WoW pet
bought one of those there vanity pets critters for my World of Warcraft account, as well as buying another 60 day game card and pre-ordering the new expansion pack, Cataclysm :)
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
girly clothes shopping
I popped into the catalogue shop in the precinct and got myself a couple of bargains, some nice brown cropped jeans, a pretty brown and orange flowery top and a raspberry jacket which will go perfectly with the raspberry wide-legged trousers I have on order with an internet catalogue.
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
referal to a therapist
I'm ready to be referred on to a psychotherapist and she'll be the one to prescribe me hormones if she feels I'm ready for them. This is another big step on the road, of course the main obstable is losing weight, I really have to shed the pounds (safely) now not only for my health but for the corrective surgery to give me the correct female groinal anatomy ie vagina, clitoris, labia & pee hole. The women's group are going to cover such surgery on the 10th of June and I have a fair few questions to ask those who have already undergone the proceedures.
new washing machine
My old one was leaking more than a geriatric ward after a 24 hour tea party, the new one looks great though with buttons and dials and led'a, I can't wait to get a load of washing into it and giving it a spin :) Also the delivery men were kind of cute.
Monday, 24 May 2010
shopping part 2
Bought some books from Waterstones, the black cover versions of Equal Rites, Sourcery & Interesting Times. Also got the remixed & remastered version of Megadeth's Youthanasia CD. Some interesting reactions to me wearing very feminine clothes in Durham, going from a couple of lads laughing at me to a couple of guys really checking me out and even another woman checking me out too, so the feeling good about myself outweighed the ignorance of the insecure. While I am bi and I am attracted to some women I haven't seriously thought about looking within my own gender to find a significant other as my attraction to men far exceeds my lesbian side. I also saw a nice white handbag in BHS but I'll hold off buying it until I get paid on Friday.
major girly shopping day
I've bought a couple of pairs of trousers, a pair of bikini briefs, a large floppy sun hat, loads of jewellery, a new duvet cover, a couple of books, an action figure and a DVD all for just £75 :) That's most of my birthday money spent already but the trousers are just SO girly I had to buy them and I need more necklaces, bracelets and rings for my jewellery collection. What I really need though is a dressing table, a jewellery box and a really good vanity mirror.
37 today
another year older, slightly wiser, certainly more fashionable and girly, this is my first real birthday all the ones before today were for someone else, someone who never existed except as an idea, so today I'm going to relax and take it easy :)
Sunday, 23 May 2010
Saturday, 22 May 2010
The Hungry Earth
A very engrossing episode, I would have kept watching it if the story had been twice as long as it was just so carefully built up moment after moment and I didn't notice the passing of time at all, the Doctor and Rory made a great double team and I was actually glad to see less Amy this week because the guest cast were so strong. The story had a few echoes of the 3rd Doctor's first two seasons in it, firstly the return of the Silurians (Doctor Who and the Silurians), then the drilling project (Inferno) and then the church and the impenetrable barrier (The Dæmons). Maybe this two parter is an homage to the Barry Letts era, if so can we expect giant maggots and Buddist monks next week? I almost hope they turn up...
another first
not only my first day in public in a skirt but also my first day at work in heels, I wore flats to drive there and back again, but still I felt so completely feminine (if a little draughty at times) and can't see why I ever waited so long to deploy my legs in public. Although my tights laddered badly around dinner time and I had to keep pulling the skirt down when it rode up to hide said ladders.
Friday, 21 May 2010
Thursday, 20 May 2010
got my Saint DVD magazine as well as the DWM special which looks back at DT's final episodes as the 10th Doctor. Also got a sandwich for lunch, a salad for tea, some milk for coffee and some frozen mixed veg for cooking this weekend.
I've pre-ordered the entire series boxset of Ashes to Ashes, as I want to watch the entire series in one go from start to finish in one go. I did the same with Life on Mars three years ago and found that it was a very enjoyable story when I didn't have to wait a week in between each episode.
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
my glasses just snapped across the bridge
they were my favourite pair too, my other ones while being newer aren't nearly so good, one of the lenses is wrong and it's hard to focus on the screen as I type :(
home again
back from work and good news for me, I have tomorrow off :) I can do some housework, get some shopping done and I can get my DVD magazine from the newsagents :)
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
back home
from Brighton, I'm soooooooooo tired and yet not ready for bed just yet, I need to unpack, throw all my washing in the basket and stuff like that, before I even start getting ready for work in the morning.
Sunday, 16 May 2010
Saturday, 15 May 2010
Amy's Choice
What a really superb episode, especially after the slight let down of the fake vampires of last week's story. The Dream Lord really is such a cool opponant and could well be the reintroduction of the 6th Doctor's greatest adversary, the Valeyard! Rory was so much better presented here than in his last 2 stories as well, sure there's a hint of Mickey about him but in a good way as Mickey turned out to be one of the coolest characters in the show and Rory was quite sexy with his little pony tail. Karen and Matt were on top form as ever, Matt in particular coming across as more bonkers and out of control than ever before, even though he was quite in control of himself at all times, I just like the delightful complexity of the Doctor.
editing my books
to update them with my new name, I've kind of forgotten over the last week or so and when I've remembered its been when I was unable to do so, like so much things I've meant to do and forgotten to do, I do worry about my memory going sometimes...
I just feel so comfortable being myself at last
At first I expected to be uncomfortable, fitting into a new life but it just felt so right from the very first moment. I was anxious, natutally, nervous even, but so excited and relieved just to finally be myself. I've found that many more people have been tolerent and accepting of my transition, there's been a few that haven't but that's their problem, not mine. After years of pretending to be someone I'm not and never wanted to be it's just so satisfying to be myself and live my life my way for me and not for others. It was seriously damaging my mental health and my physical health too, my blood pressure was sky high with the internal stress, now I'm myself at last it's right back down to normal levels again. I'm just so happy finally being able to be me, something most people take for granted.
still sending off letters
as some institutions remain firmly uncontactable by telephone despite that being their stated preference for communications.
Friday, 14 May 2010
getting ready for the conference
I'm on packing my bag, plenty of spare pairs of knickers, 2 extra bras, extra tights, extra tops, extra trousers, extra shoes and even a skirt! Then there's toiletries, and other things to consider...
blood pressure down
it's down to within a normal level :) I suppose the diet and the moderate amount of excercise I've managed to do have helped as well as getting rid of the most stressful aspect of my life, now to see if I can get my GP to start prescribing me hormones...
Life on Earth
I'm on with the second disc right now, it's a great series (if a little out of date now)
Thursday, 13 May 2010
World Cup Crisps pt 2
today I tried the American Cheeseburger flavour, they tasted just like a burger king whoppa!
food shopping
I don't have anything in for tomorrow or saturday and I'd be tired and hungry tomorrow so I forced myself to go down to Tesco's and get some stuff in to see me through. I also got myself some ankle socks and I think I'l wear one pair of them tomorrow for work :) I also got myself the stuff to make myself some bolegnaese sauce which I can make saturday and freeze for when I get back on tuesday.
quiet day in at work today
I just stayed inside and read my book, rather than go out shopping, looking for bargains.
World Cup Crisps
I'm limiting myself to one bag a day, even then shared out around the office to offset the calories.
so far I've had:
English Roast Beef & Yorkshire Pudding
German Bratwurst Sausage (my fave so far)
Brazilian Salsa
Dutch Edam Cheese
Japanese Teriyaki Chicken
so far I've had:
English Roast Beef & Yorkshire Pudding
German Bratwurst Sausage (my fave so far)
Brazilian Salsa
Dutch Edam Cheese
Japanese Teriyaki Chicken
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
ordered Above by Mad Season
it's a 1995 album that featured the late Layne Staley from Alice in Chains as the singer of the super group
waiting for some details to change over
my bank have changed my name over but I don't have a new card with my name on it yet, so I can't pay any cash into my account, or buy things in the shops with my old one.
bought a cardigan today
it's pink and wooly and looks rather nice on me, I think I really suit pink, it's my favourite colour after all, for too long I was unable to say so, now I can with no fear or hesitation :)
threw out most of my unwanted clothes
and the rest are in the bin to go out next week, now there's only ladies wear in my wardrobe and drawers :) Now of course I need to buy lots more clothes so I can dress as feminine as I want to. This has been one of the happier parts of moving on :)
Sunday, 9 May 2010
Saturday, 8 May 2010
green fingers
well more like mucky soil covered fingers as I've been out to plant some flower seeds in my two front planters, one's pretty pink flowers and the other's cool blue flowers. I have a third planter around the side of the house but I really doubt anything will grow in there after I tipped a load of weed killer in it to kill off the triffidy evil things that were growing in it, they could have even been Krynoid!
bit of light shopping today
some cotton face wipes, some black ankle socks, some frozen foody items, some kitchen paperand a can of impulse tease, the main thing though was being out and about in the glorious sunshine not being stuck inside on a nice day like this :)
trying to update my drivers license details
and the form is almost as evil as baked beans! It's a torturously complicated form, needlessly complex to baffle the applicant and confuse even the most sublime beaurocrat. I'd heap praise upon them if I thought they'd react to it like vampires do to sunlight.
Friday, 7 May 2010
Seven Days!
It's now been a full week since I started living full time as a woman and it's been the best week of my whole life :) I just feel so happy to finally express my femininity on the outside and not bottle it away inside behind a mask of lies and falsehoods. I feel, well not reborn, but renewed. I feel like I'm starting my life at last, really living it and not just letting it pass me by because I'm too afraid to be myself. It's been a long road, getting from there to here, to quote from the theme tune to Star Trek: Enterprise. Nearly thirty years of denial, fear, self-hatred and self harming. Three failed suicide attempts and a few near attempts, but no more. I can't let myself be afraid to be myself any longer, I can't live a life where I do nothing, say nothing, be nothing lest I let slip the truth. I won't be afraid any longer to say proudly that I am a woman, my name is Rachel, I fancy men, I have small breasts already and I want them to get a good deal larger. I want to wear pretty jewellery, nice perfume, do my hair fancy, wear blouses, carry a handbag, use the ladies room, be one of the girls at work and one day find myself a nice boyfriend. I want to claim my womanhood, to put it succinctly, and I'm not going to apologise to anyone for it.
cheese stuffed mushrooms
well I tried making them, they were alright, I think I had the grill too hot initially as they melted the cheese and gave it a hard crust on top before the mushrooms were cooked through, so I had to turn the temp right down until they were done all the way through. Still it's the best way to learn isn't it? There's enough left for tomorrow as well and I have a spare packet of mushrooms for my curry, I think I'll make that sunday evening and freeze most of it for during the week so I have something nice to come home to.
preordered doctor who 5.1
I've pre-ordered the first volume of the 11th Doctor's adventures, Matt Smith is such a radically different doctor to 9& 10, yet there's something very familiar about him, there's a touch of 1, 2 and 6 at times.
moved my bed around
I fancied a change and now it's easier for me to get out of bed and straight at my make up, clothes, etc than it was before. Also my head is now a lot closer to my telly for watching dvd's in bed on a night than before, so I'm not straining to see what is not the world's largest screen.
weekend shop
I got some food in for the weekend, I thought I'd experiment in the kitchen and I'm going to try to make some cheese stuffed mushrooms with beef meatballs. I've never tried anything like this before, normally I stick a load of things in a pan and wait until they're cooked through, but I thought it's time that I experiment a little. I also got myself some more traditional food stuffs and a couple of pairs of boring run of the mill tights. I've no idea why supermarket sell tights but it's awfully convenient if you don't have time to go all the way into town, maybe that's the reason?
busy morning
I popped into town to change my details with my building society and then I decided to treat myself with a haircut, so I decided to pop over to Dare U (they also do piercings) to get my mane trimmed into a nice easy to manage feminine style. While being pampered I paid particular attention as they styled my hair after cutting it to make sure I could repeat it myself tomorrow when I wake up with bed head. It only cost me £20 too, very good value for money and I heartily recommend them to everyone. Then I popped across to Tesco to get myself some hair spray, also a sandwich and some pretty shower cream plus Eragon on DVD for just £3. Then I popped into HMV for a look around while I was in town and ended up with series C of QI. I also got an app form for one of their points cards
Thursday, 6 May 2010
Bumper Crop of Post Today
I got my new brown leather handbag, its very small but with a lot of pockets to keep everything tidy, ideal for going places where I don't need a big bag full of everything including the kitchen sink. My new brooches arrived too, they're very feminine and will accessorise my jackets for work perfectly. A couple of CD's too, a Doctor Who audio book and Skid Row's self-titled debut album. Finally the new ink cartridges for my printer arrived as well so I can print things out again like letters and so forth.
went to vote early this morning, about 8.20am, then I went to the newsagents to get my Saint DVD magazine and a woman's interest magazine, it's something to read when I have a spare moment and take into work, we all read each others magazines on our coffee breaks.
big shopping day
I took £100 to Tesco's to get myself some clothes and stuff, that's a technical term btw, and I got myself a new flowery pink top, a new blue denim mini skirt ala Amy Pond, a new pink hand towel for the bathroom, a new pair of pink pillow cases for the bed, a new matress protector and a pink new fitted sheet for the bed too, as well as a chunky metal bracelet which I'm now wearing, some dangly earrings, for the future once I've had these studs in the mandatory 6 weeks, the new Doctor WHo Adventures magazine, for the free bag, and the new sonic screwdriver, for my geeky inner fan gurl. I also had a look at their bath robes but they don't have my size in and I need a new duvet and pillows too, but I can get them another time.
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
I loved the musical version when I was a kid and this new up to date version is just as good in its own way :) Plus it has Johnny Depp in it, who is one of the hottest guys on the face of this or any other planet. There's some chocolate and stuff involved to and some singing.
hoovering is good
as I've just given my bedroom a good going over with my Dyson and it's picked up quite a lot of dust that was hidden away under and behind my bed and other places. I think its necessary to have a really serious clean once in a while to keep the place neat and tidy, while other times a quick tickle around is enough to keep the carpets clean and dust free.
The Creature from the Pit
A reasonably good romp with Tom Baker as the Doctor and Lalla Ward as Romana, that takes us to a jungle world with a society that coverts the precious scraps of metal with murderous envy and a power-mad dictator that will do anything to cling on to her slender grasp of power by denying the overtures of an alien ambassador that offers as much metals as the peoples of her planet could need in exchange for a portion of the planet's global forest to eat. Faced with losing her power base should metal become a common commodity she imprisons the creature and hopes to starve it to death. Enter the Doctor, Romana & K9, who quickly deduce what is going on and how to save not only the creature but the planet itself as the creature's people have taken a deadly revenge upon the captors of its ambassador. The Doctor saves the day, of course, and is then off on another exciting adventure...
popped into work today
to get the photo done for my id card, it has my new name on it an everything :) Popped into my office to say hi to everyone, had a brief chat with the girls about my make up and my hair and other important things like that. They liked my new earrings too. Had a chat with another of the girls about the Kiss concert, she was thrilled by it too she had a decent camera with her so her photos are really nice and clear, where as mine are just blurry smudges of light sadly.
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
ordered an audio book
from Big Finish Productions, I love Doctor Who and this on has Paul McGann in it as the 8th Doctor :)
need to find myself a pretty brooch
or two to wear on my jackets and tops to add that little extra touch of femininity to my attire :)
new shoes & earrings
my shoes arrived earlier, they look great, very pretty & feminine. Afterwards I popped into my GP's to let them know of my con details & I had to fill a form out too. Then I popped into durham to get my ears pierced, it took me ages to find the place because they moved but I now have two jewelled studs and two plain studs in my ears, one of each in each. My ears are a little sore witht he studs but they don't half help give me a more feminine appearance :)
more name changes done
I'm almost there now :) Just informed the council tax people & the water board by telephone. The gas company and house insurance people want letters + con deed, so I have more letters to go out.
correcting an incomplete change of details
further to me letting the people who zap my face with lasers know I'm now called Rachel, they didn't update my title on their records so I got an e-mail addressed to Mr and not Miss, so I e-mailed them back 2 photos hastily taken with my camera phone of my change of name deed and they've just replied to let me know that they've now updated that part of my records :)
waiting in
for some shoes to be redelivered. They missed me last week because I was out and they delivered 2 days earlier than they should have! There's where being efficient gets you ;) For a 5 to 7 day service I waited to order so they would arrive at the weekend at the earliest, instead they arrived after just 3 days when I was at work, still I'm in today waiting for them, now they probably won't turn up at all knowing my luck, what's a girl to do?
Monday, 3 May 2010
downloaded & unzipped Kiss MP3's
although it took some trial and error to find a program to unzip the .zip file, which involved me getting malware and needing to restart my computer! Finally though I have the full gig on both the USB and my hard drive :) I might even burn it to CD so I can listen to the concert in my car :)
started my Kiss MP3 download
for the 2nd half of the Kiss concert, although it's going very slowly, so I may go and finish watching a mvie on DVD while it does that.
Back from the toon...
...and I've just had a bowl of salad to eat :) I was late, yet again, for my appt, I've only managed to be on time once so far! Still I used my 20% off voucher which saved me £30. Afterwards I had a wander around the toon looking for someplace where I could get my ears pierced, alas they were all shut, then I passed by a hairdresser's they said they didn't have enough time to cut my hair, I'm taking them at their word that 55 minutes isn't enough time. I got a few heckles, my first in 3 days of living full time, but they were nothing I couldn't ignore, if only that guy had meant it when he called me beautiful *sigh* but I know I only pass with the charity of others willing to see the woman within me, or their polite indifference which seems to be most people's attitudes. Also my shoes really hurt my feet, I've never had a problem with these one before which is why I wore them, but my left little toe got a blister on it something rotten and even putting a plaster over it hasn't helped that much :( Still I get to stay at home tomorrow so I can have a lazy indoor day keeping things tidy and bagging up more unwanted male clothes I'll never be forced to wear again :) All in all three days in I love living my life as a woman, it's the real me I'm showing to the world at last and I love the simple fact that I don't have to pretend to be something I'm not anymore. So what if people don't like me? I'm never going to have universal popularity, no one is. Here I am world, with all my flaws and strengths.
A list of bands I've seen in concert
roughly in date order from earliest to latest, with main band first, main support act second and opening act last, also please forgive any slips with my memory in getting these in the right order...
Iron Maiden + The Killer Dwarfs
Megadeth + The Almighty + Alice in Chains
Megadeth + Pantera
Iron Maiden + Wolfsbane
Iron Maiden + Anthrax
Manic Street Preachers + Blaggers ITA + Credit to the Nation
Manic Street Preachers + Compulsion + Eve's Plum
The Wildhearts + Whatever
AC/DC + The Wildhearts
The B-52's
Manic Street Preachers + Ian Brown
Iron Maiden + Funeral for a Friend
Manic Street Preachers + The Delays
Kiss + Taking Dawn
Iron Maiden + The Killer Dwarfs
Megadeth + The Almighty + Alice in Chains
Megadeth + Pantera
Iron Maiden + Wolfsbane
Iron Maiden + Anthrax
Manic Street Preachers + Blaggers ITA + Credit to the Nation
Manic Street Preachers + Compulsion + Eve's Plum
The Wildhearts + Whatever
AC/DC + The Wildhearts
The B-52's
Manic Street Preachers + Ian Brown
Iron Maiden + Funeral for a Friend
Manic Street Preachers + The Delays
Kiss + Taking Dawn
funny weather
it was really dark and raining not half an hour ago and now there's bright sunshine!
edit - now it's raining again!
edit - now it's raining again!
updating my books on lulu
putting them in my new name and so forth, as well as editing a couple of works in progress...
chilling out right now
I'm just easing myself into the day after such an amazing gig last night. Had a cup of coffee already and I predict another's in my immediate future ;) Waiting for the concert recording people to upload the gig to their website so that I can d/load the second half and listen to it.
Kiss - Newcastle Metro Arena
OMG what a gig! Driving there was a little tricky when I came to turn left and I was cut up by some random chav driver, making me detour and go back a fair distance to turn around again, then once I got there, I had to fish about in my purse for the £6 parking fee, before I parked up, brushed my hair out from the pony tail I'd put in for driving, then went into the concert, where I realised I'd left my purse in the car and not put it back in my handbag. I bought myself the tour bandana with the money I'd hidden in my jeans tiny pocket, before I went back to the car to get my purse.
After wandering around a little I decided to go up the stairs to my seat which was not the most comfortable but not the worst either. There was a bit of a wait before the support act began, luckily the arena played some good songs before things started. Taking Dawn were pretty good really, as supports bands that I've seen go, they owned the reduced stage they had to play with, some good songs, none of which I can remember right now, but I think I'll venture a look at their wiki page to see what cd's they've released/are going to release. They ended their set with a hard and heavy cover of Fleetwood Mac's 'The Chain', which saw their singer playing in the crowd for the final moments of said song.
During the interval I decided to pop to the ladies before venturing back downstairs to buy a voucher to get the Kiss set on a USB in MP3 format. Then I popped back upstairs to wait for Kiss to start.
They showed the band leaving their dressing room and walking to the stage on the display screens before the gig started proper and then I was grinning like a mad woman as the pyros exploded and fire shot up twenty feet high! Kiss were on absolute fire themselves as they played classic after classic, mixing in songs from Sonic Boom now and again, all of them destined to be classics themselves by the time the next tour rolls around.
Gene breathed fire, Paul strutted his sexy stuff, Tommy strutted as he shredded and Eric pounded the drums like the world was ending and that's how it was for the whole of the concert. There were guitar solos, bass solos, Gene vomited blood and flew up into the lighting rig, Eric's drum set flew too and then Paul flew out over the audience to his own little mini-stage.
Then the encore was even better than the main gig, and I didn't think that was possible! It ended with God Gave Rock And Roll To You II blending effortlessly into Rock n' Roll All Nite and by this time the whole venue was on its feet clapping and singing along, the Kiss Army was united in saluting our four generals, and then it was all over.
After making my way downstairs to collect my USB and walk back to my car. If getting there was tricky it was nothing compared to the nightmare of getting out of the Toon! I ended up driving down somewhere, before finally recognising a familiar road and going up in front of the train station and then onto the road leading home, listening to Kiss all the way.
Now I'm just chilling until I come down from such a fantastic evening and can get some sleep.
After wandering around a little I decided to go up the stairs to my seat which was not the most comfortable but not the worst either. There was a bit of a wait before the support act began, luckily the arena played some good songs before things started. Taking Dawn were pretty good really, as supports bands that I've seen go, they owned the reduced stage they had to play with, some good songs, none of which I can remember right now, but I think I'll venture a look at their wiki page to see what cd's they've released/are going to release. They ended their set with a hard and heavy cover of Fleetwood Mac's 'The Chain', which saw their singer playing in the crowd for the final moments of said song.
During the interval I decided to pop to the ladies before venturing back downstairs to buy a voucher to get the Kiss set on a USB in MP3 format. Then I popped back upstairs to wait for Kiss to start.
They showed the band leaving their dressing room and walking to the stage on the display screens before the gig started proper and then I was grinning like a mad woman as the pyros exploded and fire shot up twenty feet high! Kiss were on absolute fire themselves as they played classic after classic, mixing in songs from Sonic Boom now and again, all of them destined to be classics themselves by the time the next tour rolls around.
Gene breathed fire, Paul strutted his sexy stuff, Tommy strutted as he shredded and Eric pounded the drums like the world was ending and that's how it was for the whole of the concert. There were guitar solos, bass solos, Gene vomited blood and flew up into the lighting rig, Eric's drum set flew too and then Paul flew out over the audience to his own little mini-stage.
Then the encore was even better than the main gig, and I didn't think that was possible! It ended with God Gave Rock And Roll To You II blending effortlessly into Rock n' Roll All Nite and by this time the whole venue was on its feet clapping and singing along, the Kiss Army was united in saluting our four generals, and then it was all over.
After making my way downstairs to collect my USB and walk back to my car. If getting there was tricky it was nothing compared to the nightmare of getting out of the Toon! I ended up driving down somewhere, before finally recognising a familiar road and going up in front of the train station and then onto the road leading home, listening to Kiss all the way.
Now I'm just chilling until I come down from such a fantastic evening and can get some sleep.
Sunday, 2 May 2010
100 Minutes to Kiss
the doors open at six and the concert begins at seven, but I don't want to be standing around too early or sitting waiting ages so I'll probably leave home at six to get there for half six, the last time was was at the metro arena was 2003, so I'll have to try to remember how to find the arena carpark as I get there, or hope it's well signposted, and there's plenty of parking space left when I get there.
5 hours until Kiss!
I'm really hyped about seeing Kiss in concert tonight :) I've been a big fan since forever and now I get to see them live in concert.
changing details pt. 2
changed over some more details all online with very little fuss, won't bore you with all the details as there's more to do but I need a break so I'm going to play WoW for an hour or two.
changing details
it was very easy to update my university alumini details and my telly tax details online, credit to them for their customers service, however i've been stuck on hold with my car insurance company, edit, now connected and they're having trouble with changing my details, so i'm on hold again, i suspect i'll have to send them a letter and my c-o-n deed in the post to them.
edit, after being put on hold they came back and said they were having difficulty changing my detals but finally got them sorted out, and they'll send out new policy documents to me in the post with my new name on them.
edit, after being put on hold they came back and said they were having difficulty changing my detals but finally got them sorted out, and they'll send out new policy documents to me in the post with my new name on them.
cut me grass
well it still grows doesn't it? I'd rather have astroturf down to be honest, it'd save my hayfever for a start. Still any of my neighbours who've missed me coming and going in my feminine finery almost certainly didn't miss me this morning, which is good as I want to be seen about and about as a woman. The only problem is I listen to MP3's on my mobile via headphones when I'm cutting the grass and I didn't have any pockets on my jogging bottoms, so I had to hide my phone away in my bra! I think I'll get one of those tiny ipod thingys you can wear on your upper arm with my bonus this year, although I really need to save up for a new car as mine's only got 6 months, maybe a year left if I'm lucky.
Saturday, 1 May 2010
Flesh and Stone
The resolution of last week's episode is somehow less than the greatness of last week which is I think the best episode of the series ever made. What really made it less believeable was the sudden animating of the Angels just before their defeat, it totally ruined the concept of them not moving while even the viewer was watching them, turning them from super scary into poor imitations of what they were in Blink and The Time of Angels. I really liked the character of Octavian, the actor playing him was really excellent, I look forward to seeing him in other shows and movies in the future :)
I feel so domestic
I've been doing the washing all day, too overcast and damp to put it out on the line sadly, so I've got my knickers, blouses, bed covers and towels all draped around the house to air them off so they don't go mouldy and smell bad if I leave them. Also I've been hoovering up too, mostly downstairs but I've got the stairs down too and some of the upstairs. My bedroom is in too much of a state to hoover yet, clothes and rubbish to chuck out everywhere and a lot of unwanted old male clothes to bag up and give away to charity or chuck out if they're in poor condition. Also I've done 3 lots of washing up to get all my plates, mugs, cutlery and so forth really clean so I can put them away so my house looks more neat & presentable.
thinking of getting a tattoo
on my ankle, the chinese characters for the word serenity. I'm a really big fan of the series Firefly and the spin-off movie Serenity, so much so I'm willing to mutilate my body to display my allegiance to the show.
random observatons on my first full day
I'm noticing that I'm wishing myself to be rather smaller in certain parts of my body and larger in other areas, much more so than before. My shoulders, hands and wrists could all do with being smaller, while my bum and bust could certainly do with being much larger so that I have a more feminine silhouette. Of course there's the unwanted collection of dangly things in my knickers that I can't wait to get rid of and replace with what should most certainly be installed there, to give me a smooth, sleek feminine groin configuration.
grocery shopping
I've been to the local Lidl to get my weekly shop in, well most of it anyway. I got salady stuff, some pastrami, bread & milk, some tic-tacs to keep my breath smelling minty fresh and some chocolates as a gift for my boss Helen at work who's been very supportive of me and my many, many issues. I also bought some more pairs of knickers, a couple of DVD's and a very feminine wrist watch, which I had to put an extra hole into the strap, as my wrists are unfortunatley very large in the circumference for a woman.
why is it?
what when I tell people I'm transgendered they always compare it to being gay? Not offended or meaning to cause offence by wondering it here, it's just a curious occurance that has happened four times now. Is it because my being attracted to men that somehow people assume I'm somehow a gay man who dresses as a woman? That's not how I want to be seen or thought of, I'm a woman and want to be treated as such, after all a gay man wouldn't want to be thought of as a woman, would he?
Gender identity is unrelated to sexual orientation, many times they run along the commonplace binary system that society often believes is the be all and end all of life, which it isn't. My genetic sex is male but my gender identity is female, this has no bearing on wether I fancy men or other women. I'm just curious as to why so many people think they're linked, maybe it's how they're raised? I guess there's still a long way to go in educating people about themselves and who we all are as individuals.
Gender identity is unrelated to sexual orientation, many times they run along the commonplace binary system that society often believes is the be all and end all of life, which it isn't. My genetic sex is male but my gender identity is female, this has no bearing on wether I fancy men or other women. I'm just curious as to why so many people think they're linked, maybe it's how they're raised? I guess there's still a long way to go in educating people about themselves and who we all are as individuals.
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