Friday, 7 May 2010

busy morning

I popped into town to change my details with my building society and then I decided to treat myself with a haircut, so I decided to pop over to Dare U (they also do piercings) to get my mane trimmed into a nice easy to manage feminine style. While being pampered I paid particular attention as they styled my hair after cutting it to make sure I could repeat it myself tomorrow when I wake up with bed head. It only cost me £20 too, very good value for money and I heartily recommend them to everyone. Then I popped across to Tesco to get myself some hair spray, also a sandwich and some pretty shower cream plus Eragon on DVD for just £3. Then I popped into HMV for a look around while I was in town and ended up with series C of QI. I also got an app form for one of their points cards

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