Monday, 3 May 2010

Back from the toon...

...and I've just had a bowl of salad to eat :) I was late, yet again, for my appt, I've only managed to be on time once so far! Still I used my 20% off voucher which saved me £30. Afterwards I had a wander around the toon looking for someplace where I could get my ears pierced, alas they were all shut, then I passed by a hairdresser's they said they didn't have enough time to cut my hair, I'm taking them at their word that 55 minutes isn't enough time. I got a few heckles, my first in 3 days of living full time, but they were nothing I couldn't ignore, if only that guy had meant it when he called me beautiful *sigh* but I know I only pass with the charity of others willing to see the woman within me, or their polite indifference which seems to be most people's attitudes. Also my shoes really hurt my feet, I've never had a problem with these one before which is why I wore them, but my left little toe got a blister on it something rotten and even putting a plaster over it hasn't helped that much :( Still I get to stay at home tomorrow so I can have a lazy indoor day keeping things tidy and bagging up more unwanted male clothes I'll never be forced to wear again :) All in all three days in I love living my life as a woman, it's the real me I'm showing to the world at last and I love the simple fact that I don't have to pretend to be something I'm not anymore. So what if people don't like me? I'm never going to have universal popularity, no one is. Here I am world, with all my flaws and strengths.

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