Thursday, 30 June 2011

my poem for today

June 30th

The shameless counting king couldn’t sing
Today the scream of silence forbade a sound
The quiet anger did turn and not meander
Goodly folk did much to deftly warn the rest

Who can know which way passions will flow
Like a ducal army upon Sisyphatic hills
We will proclaim our unity without shame
Our love for each other is more than words

The stolen throne disgraced by lying tone
Defiled and robbed of dignity too long
Topple the pretender and end Caesar’s render
We’ve outgrown the need for figureheads

So rise up the banner of freedom’s manor
Not a physical thing it lives in hearts & minds
As one we defy and make it their turn to cry
No more needing others to control our fate

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

can't wait for thursday

wednesday's really going to get in the way...

so glad I've finished for the day

one to go, hopefully the morning meeting will eat up most of the day :)

too hot

someone turn down the heat on the summer please

True Blood

watched the first 2 episodes of the new season, its an interesting start but one with some obvious storyline hooks that could really have been covered up just a little more to make them less obvious.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Earth Story

6 episodes of Old Skool Who to watch tonight, 4 of them in b&w!


A Romance in Twelve Parts arrived today :)

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

going through my e-mails

it's all go this evening


my new Che t-shirt & bag have arrived along with the copy of my new book

tired after work

but it was a busy day

Sunday, 19 June 2011

feeling better today

but still not back to 100%, I've never been back to 100% since that bout of swine flu a couple of years ago :(

so tired yesterday

I think I over-did the walking on Friday, especially as I was wearing heels

Friday, 17 June 2011

Green Lantern

Well it was ok, not as good as First Flight or Emerald Knights but it sets things up nicely for Sinestro's fall to the power of fear in any sequel made, which I think should be made as there's a lot of potential with this version of Hal, he's had his boot camp, so to speak, now we need to see the brightest light shining in the darkest night...

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

rewatching QI again

it's my fave quiz show because its funny and educational at the same time :)

tired today

after work, it really was a grind today, just unreleanting busyness, so glad I've got a much lighter work load tomorrow.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

feet are sore

from walking far too much about the office in me heels, I think I need to keep a pair of flats at work to change into when I get here.

finished watching X-Men, for now

that's 3 seasons down, two to go, which I'll probably get next month, well after I get paid anyway

Monday, 13 June 2011

4 companion chronicles :)

The Perpetual Bond & Cold Equations (1st Doctor, Steven & Oliver), The Sentinals of the New Dawn (3rd Doctor & Liz) and Ferril's Folly (4th Doctor & 1st Romana)

Sunday, 12 June 2011

The Very Best of Shaun William Ryder

apparently he wrote for luck for kelly's 24 hour party hero people

Saturday, 11 June 2011

watching X Men

the animated series, season 1 and half of season 2 done, 2nd half of season 2 to go :)

Thursday, 9 June 2011

the closed circle

well it took 2 days but I finished watching Full Circle with Michael Palin (not to be confused with Doctor Who 'Full Circle' which introduces Adric) and its a very different beast again to the last two travels.  Its even more relaxed in its pace and there's so many different locations on show and yet at times it really feels like a lot has been left out (this is partially confirmed with almost an hour of cut material available as an extra on the 3rd disc).  The contrast between the various countries visited can be very stark, such as going from Japan to Korea to Indonesia or from Chile to Bolivia.  In the supplementary interview Michael recounts a personal family crisis which makes the show feel even more human as its a reminder that he's not an isolated wanderer but a man a long way from home sharing his journey with the rest of the world.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

early night last night

= getting up this morning 3 hours earlier than yesterday :)

Sunday, 5 June 2011

X Men: First Class

Its an epic film, staring with a recap of little Eric arriving at the death camp and doing the gate thing, through to meeting Sebastian Shaw (aka Klaus Schmidt) then to Xavier Manor where a young Charles meets Raven (later to become Mystique).  It's an interesting story which at times contradicts the three parent movies of this prequel but it does its own thing with style and aplomb as we see how many of the future heroes and villains start out on their paths to their various destinies, plus a couple of surprises along the way, the film's only real expletive being uttered by the coolest cameo of all time.  Beast and Banshee work really well together and Havok is pretty cool too, it'll be interesting to see if there's a follow up movie that covers the lte 60's and early 1970's, as Origins: Wolverine has the late 70's covered and its follow up will most likely cover the 1980's

Saturday, 4 June 2011

equator to pole

watched the 2nd part of Pole to Pole last night, it's been an interesting series, more relaxed and secure with itself, it spends time looking at the places Michael visits and there's a strong sense of hope in many of the nations he visits, even though his own seems to flag in the last couple of episodes.  The series covers half the distance of ATWI80D but takes nearly twice as long getting there, so there's more time spent finding good shots, interesting people, to make each episode the best it can be and it works too, its a very rich and varied series with a little twist at the start of the final episode.

Friday, 3 June 2011

Pole to Equator

Watched the first 4 episodes of Pole to Pole last night :)  It's a somewhat different beast to ATWI80D, in that its a much more leisurely amble, there's less sense of urgency and more time is spent learning more about the countries passed through.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

The Incredible Hulk

A reboot, reimagining, remake, remount, rebranding of the Hulk, its a much smaller production in a way even though there seems to be just as much fighting and stuff, now though it's Hulk vs humans much more than Hulk vs machines and the big wide shots of desert and wasteland are now tighter inner city shots and much more close ups on individual characters.  Still all in all its a good film and there's some nice little homages to the tv series of the 1970's.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

20 Years and 80 Days Around The World

Just finished watching the 80 Days Around The World: 20 Years On boxset, it's a very good series, I loved the series when it was first broadcast (I was 16 at the time and the final year of Sylvester McCoy's reign as the Doctor was on the telly too, to give you some added historical value) and I watched it again a couple of years later on VHS tape but since then I didn't watch it until last night and tonight.  It's very human series, its about people, the way we relate to friends and perfect strangers and every episode is different, each has its own identity and pace which makes it a very interesting series as its fresh viewing each time, there's no sense of repetition even though it could easily have been train, boat, train, boat all the way through.  I recommend it to anyone who's never seen it before and I doubly recommend it to anyone who has seen it before, its time well spent getting reacquainted with it.  Of added value is the 20 years later documentary where Michael goes in search of the crew or the Al Sharma, the dhow he spent a week onboard as he crossed from Dubai to Bombay (as it was called then) and he recreates in part this voyage on an Iranian crewed dhow and once in Mumbai he traces the grew and has a reunion with them and a good laugh together as they watch episode 3 together and they relive that week 20 years ago.

generally achey all over

this morning but I guess I'll be fine once I get going and into the day.