Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Lingerie Shopping

I've decided to treat myself to some new knickers & fishnet stockings, well a girl likes to have fun :)

I hate everything and everyone

they're all inferior and weak, they're not worthy to beg to kiss my shoes!

bought some earrings

a really pretty pair of uber girly ones too, silver & lead crystal teardrops :)

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Bernice Summerfield

I've finally gotten around to ordering season 4 of Benny's adventures on CD :)

Monday, 28 June 2010

Would You? - A Poem

Would you walk on by as someone was beaten up?
Would you walk on by as your neighbour was mugged?
Would you walk on by if some got stabbed?
Would you walk on by if you were asked for help?

Would you laugh at some with a disability?
Would you laugh at the mentally challenged?
Would you laugh as an immigrant is abused?
Would you laugh at some with a genetic defect?

Would you cry if you didn’t get your own way?
Would you blame others for your mistakes?
Would you wonder why people don’t like you?
Would you be too wrapped up in your hate?

Would you care more for the criminal than victim?
Would you punish the innocent for being weak?
Would you stamp on the fingers of the needy?
Would you put your book on their face for ever?

Doctor Who - The King's Demons

A rather quick and simple story where the Doctor stumbles across one of the Master's crazy plans and defeats him in just 50 minutes! There's some jousting, sword play and lute playing as well as political intrigue as people change their minds back and forth between the Doctor and the Master more times than normal people should, could or would. It's also Turlough's turn to be chained up in the dungeon this time, while Tegan gets to make witty quips about the fashion of the times.

started plotting out a new book today

it's a very complex book so I can't just do what I normally do and make it up as I go along, it has to be plotted out to keep track of the characters, events and situations. it has some similarities to a soap opera, in that its set in one street and its about the people who live there, but considering two of them are aliens who make things out of house hold objects and own their own UFO, it's not exactly the same thing.

final face zapping today

the sixth and final blast of lasers upon my skin is today, I can't afford another course of treatments so this will have to be it...

Saturday, 26 June 2010

The Big Bang

Ok, so not nearly as action packed as last week, this was much more of a cerebral story with the Doctor thinking his way out of trouble and then Amy thinking him back into existance. I like it how not all the i's and j's are dotted, there's still answers to be found and Christmas has never seemed so far away...

Friday, 25 June 2010

Am I Bisexual or a Lesbian

I've always been attracted to other women, but about ten years ago I started liking guys too, to the point where I liked them a lot more, but lately my interest in men was waned so much that I'm barely even noticing them anymore or wanting a sexual relationship with one, and I'm much more into women again to the point where I think I'd want to be woman and wife, am I still bi or a lesbian who had a bi phase?

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

booked Eclipse ticket

I've booked a ticket for the midnight preview of Twilight: Eclipse

Monday, 21 June 2010

bloody psycho arsehole on the bus this evening

I'm 6' 4" and I cannot sit in the buss seats which are designed for people half my height so this areshole forces himself down next to me on the bus, pushing himself into me so I'm practically pinned into my seat for the whole journey home barely able to read my book which helps me pass the time, and then when I try to get out to get off at my stop he goes on at me for not talking to him! Why do I get all the bloody psychos?

great drying day yesterday

I got all my towels and dishcloths done, then a load of clothes and then I changed by bed and got that done too. I think I'm going to need a new washing line soon though as the current one seems to be rotting away :(

Being Human

I've watched the pilot, the first season and 1 episode of the 2nd season so far. I'll watch the rest of the 2nd season hopefully tonight :)

Saturday, 19 June 2010

The Pandorica Opens - Spoilers, sweetie...

Wow, what an episode and what an ending! This is Doctor Who on a scale that's just never been done on the telly before! All the little touches to the series were amazing too, Vincent, Churchill, Liz 10, River, the surprises just kept coming. So too with the Doctor's adversaries: Cybermen, Daleks, Sontarans, Judoon, Silurians, Autons, Weevils and many more unseen in their ships. Then the ending, it was just way too much to take in, Rory's back but he;s an Auton and he kills Amy. The Alliance imprisons the Doctor, River destroys the TARDIS and then the universe is destroyed, how can things escalate further next week?

food shopping

I thought I'd make cheese stuffed mushrooms tomorrow evening :)

national disgrace

a national team? more like a sunday publeage team! England do not deserve to be in the world cup if that's the best they can do, they fully deserve to go out the tournament if they can't win the next game...

Friday, 18 June 2010


4 plus hours in an unairconditioned room is not good for the health! And most of it told me stuff I already knew, so not the best way to spend a Friday afternoon really, oh well

Thursday, 17 June 2010

I wouldn't let Sarah Palin be president of a chess club!

Well I wouldn't...

washing day

I'm doing my laundry now ahead of the weekend as its a good day for drying things on the line :)


I half jogged, half ran a short distance today to help me lose weight and get fitter. I thought I was sort of basically healthy, as I can walk any distance for any length of time but after ten yards of jogging I was ready to give up and lie down on the pavement for an hour but I kept myself going and I think by keeping at it every third day or so I might slowly get fitter and healthier and it also gave me the chance to wear one of my new sports bras which I must say were VERY supportive of what little I have up top (plus the chicken filets of course) although my lower half will need a little more support shapewise as there was a certain de-tucking underage that went on :( The sooner its all flat and feminine down the the happier we'll be...

half day at work today

so I can be a lady of leisure, although there's a ton of washing up to be done and I should really make a start on the washing as I'm in work this saturday...

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

near wardrobe malfunction

my tights kept slipping down all morning and I didn't want to wear my skirt with bare legs so I popped out at breaktime to get a pair of trousers, and they only cost me £1.99!!!

Monday, 14 June 2010

why can't door to door salesmen just die?

instead of bothering me when I'm busy? well not maybe die but certainly not bother me by banging loudly on the door in a bad attempt at some pseudo-jingle. Reorganising my DVD collection means more to me than what they do.


the last 3 books I've been waiting for as well as a CD I had on order and another one with it which I didn't order at all!


finished rewatching the DVD last night :) Sky's first Discworld adaptation is still perhaps my favourite as it's a highly ambitious story and the production is up to meeting it head on with very little compromise on quality, plot or production values. The largely studio-bound production helps with excellent sets that really look like real places and not really film sets at all.

Sunday, 13 June 2010

found pk 2 sports bras

for £20, so that's 2 for £10 each which is about the best bargain I've found for sports bras on the net, so I can take up jogging etc with well supported breasts. I'm thinking of getting a bicycle with my corporate bonus this year, as well as taking up jogging to help me get fitter and lose weight, and for that I need all the fab girly gear so I look good when I'm doing it :)

really hard to find a sports bra

that fits me, either the price is obscene or they wdon't do my size, it's a bad situation, a market waiting to be cornered by someone willing to sell bras at a reasonable price, if I was in the lingerie business I'd be rubbing my hands with glee right now at finding such a new market to sell my designs to...

Deomon's Quest

more 4th Doctor audios from the BBC :) I liked last years Hornet's Nest series and I hope DQ is just as fun and exciting (and perhaps a little more linear?) as well...

Saturday, 12 June 2010

The Lodger

Not a bad little story where girl loves guy, guy gets a weird flatmate, weird flatmate makes girl want to do somethign with her life, weird flatmate makes guy tell girl he loves her and girl loves guy too, then weird flatmate stops them both dying and leaves them both to get on with their lives together as a couple, how many times have we seen that story? There's sadly some football involved, also yucky tea, a weird omelette and possibly the world's worst modern art installation based on that scene with the wine bottle and cuppa in The Time Monster ever witnessed. Also did I mention the football? Luckily it's saved by some really good acting and a semi-creepy antagonist so girl, guy and weird flatmate can save the day and stay alive.

Doctor Who audios

I've been listening to four 6th Doctor audios, The Hollows of Time, Paradise 5, Point of Entry and The Song of Megaptera. Two are set on Earth and two aren't. Three feature alien invasions, one has humans hunting defenceless creatures for food and resources. All were originally intended for telly but were never used and have now been turned into audio plays, with various degrees of success.

playing WoW

I've nearly got my Death Knight up to level 70...

Friday, 11 June 2010

domestic goddess

I've mown the lawn, done 2 lots of washing up and put a load of washing in the machine and now I'm enjoying a nice cuppa

Thursday, 10 June 2010

idea for a book

it sounds like a soap opera because its set in a street and its about the lives of the people who live there and each chapter starts with a new family moving into the street and ends with a family moving out of the street but to be honest soap operas are dull repetative dollops of bland meaningless pseudo fiction aimed at the lowest common denominator and I like my fiction to make the reader think for themselves, so each chapter will not be just about the people but they will expore humanity, its cultures and rituals and each chapter will be a different genre to the others...

trying to do a mix cd for the car

the 'theme' is the elements, like fire, dark, rain, dirt, light etc... I've got about 3/4 of a cd in songs at the moment, will try to add a few more...

new skirt & blouse

they've arrived and they look fab, my employer won't pay for the corporate wear it requires me to wear at work, so I've had to buy my own...

the trouble with rubbish delivery companies

is that they won't deliver the items they're supposed to deliver! They go out of their way not to do their job properly! WHy can't they just put the letter/package through the letter box instead of faffing about not delivering the item and moving on to the next customer?

the women's group - my first meeting

it was interesting meeting so many other women in the same position as me in person for the first time. They were a very diverse bunch of people with very different personalities. the topic this month was surgery and although we didn't discuss any of the actual physical details of the process we did talk about the emotive side of the process. Some of the women were much more along with their transitions than I am so it was good to hear them talk about their experiences. Next month is about hair removal, something I have a lot more experience of so I'll be on firmer ground then epecialy as I have my 6th and final laser treatment before the next meeting.

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

dying my hair

I'm going to dye my hair tonight, a reddy brown colour is promised, I'm fed up of blonde, as it never really goes blonde anyway and all that peroxidoxide can't be good for it, so it needs a bit of a break and a change can be good...

work was boring today

Just a bit of work in the morning, then lot of nothing and then a little bit now and again before leaving time.

Monday, 7 June 2010

Knickers - A Poem

Cotton, lace, silk and satin
Standing, lying or sat in
Soft and feminine clinging
Plain, patterned or frilly

A whole drawer full at least
Wearing them a visual feast
Pull them down with your teeth
Your actions won't be ceased

They define what is there
Sexy and naughty not bare
They hide the waiting lair
Come expose me to the air

They hit the floor so softly
Come on then, come and boff me
My ideals are high not lofty
My eye is open but doesn't see

Vincent and the Doctor

This has to be one of the best stories that Doctor Who has ever done. It's an amazing story with Tony Curran giving an amazing performance as the fragile yet driven artist Vincent van Gogh. For an artist who's work I like I was shamed into realising how little I actually knew about his life or his lack of success during his own lifetime. It's hard to think now that he wasn't amazingly successful given how valued he is and how prized his painting are nowadays. By contrast the series regulars are pretty much sidelined but they have their moments and there's little hints at the ongoing story line abotu Rory being lost in time and Amy's sadness at not remembering the love of her life. There's a nice moment when we see the 1st and 2nd Doctors on screen. Given that we saw the 1st Doctor in Vampires of Venice are the production team slowly counting upwards through the Doctors in preperation of the 50th anniversary in 2013?

trying something new

by adding some adverts,if they don't work then nothing lost, not that I expect anyone reads the rubbish I write anyway

skirt & blouse

found a nice blouse and skirt in an online catalogue that would be suitable for work :) summer is very much the time for wearing skirts as they keep my legs cool even in the heat and blouses are very much my fave top of choice for the office as they look professional and yet still look very feminine at the same time.

Sunday, 6 June 2010

eye test tomorrow

I'm looking forward to it, my current glasses just aren't good enough :(


it's raining so I'm having to wash and dry my clothes which takes longer than just washing and putting my stuff out on the line. not that I put my bras and knickers out on the line as I don't want men going past and perving over my intimate lingerie.

Saturday, 5 June 2010

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner

Not a bad story, one long super chapter without breaks ala Terry Pratchett, it helped the story flow faster and so I got it read very quickly. It's a suitably good taster for the upcoming Eclipse movie, but on the whole I'd rather read Midnight Sun, it seems such a much more interesting project...


I've been out for four walks in threee days and its just as well because I really od on the chocolate today because I just got so down and depressed because I was so tired and moody and cranky that pretty much everything got on my nerves in some way today, at least until I got out for my afternoon walk.

Alice in Wonderland DVD

watched this last night, it seemed quicker than when I saw it at the cinema the other month. Still a good story though and there's room in it for a sequel of sorts...

Thursday, 3 June 2010


Alice in Wonderland is available on DVD and the Eclipse spin-off novella is out as well, which I have pre-ordered and paid for in advance :)

busy day at work

doing very little is very exhausting! luckily I got out the office at lunch time for a little walk about in the sunshine. got a couple of odds and sods, a pink england cap, some pink socks, a pink scarf and a couple of cheap books, none of which were pink.

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Day Off Work

I've done a bit today, played WoW (as well as add a game card to take me up to August), contacted the DVLA about my misspelled licence and booked an eye test for this monday. I've also done some shopping and paid my rent as well, and I'm wearing my ultra fab and girly pink flowery top too :)

bills, bills, bills

paid my council tax, going to pay my rent soon and I've already paid my utility bills via direct debit, so that's most of my money gone now for the month, and I have the opticians to go to on Monday, and it'll cost me £100 to get decent lenses in a pair of otherwise free glasses.

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Work was a bitch

not difficult just relentless past the point of absurdity, still I have tomorrow up, yay :)