Monday, 7 June 2010

Vincent and the Doctor

This has to be one of the best stories that Doctor Who has ever done. It's an amazing story with Tony Curran giving an amazing performance as the fragile yet driven artist Vincent van Gogh. For an artist who's work I like I was shamed into realising how little I actually knew about his life or his lack of success during his own lifetime. It's hard to think now that he wasn't amazingly successful given how valued he is and how prized his painting are nowadays. By contrast the series regulars are pretty much sidelined but they have their moments and there's little hints at the ongoing story line abotu Rory being lost in time and Amy's sadness at not remembering the love of her life. There's a nice moment when we see the 1st and 2nd Doctors on screen. Given that we saw the 1st Doctor in Vampires of Venice are the production team slowly counting upwards through the Doctors in preperation of the 50th anniversary in 2013?

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