Tuesday, 31 May 2011

hurty legs

I think I over did the walking today as my legs are really sore and hurty :(

Monday, 30 May 2011

poorly tummy

as well as feeling hot and cold and not to mention the two hours on the loo :(

dream last night

I dreamed that I was down in brighton for a conference and there was a tidal wave!  Also the hotel's staircase led up to a road kind of like an underground station arrangement, so that was a convenient escape route.

Sunday, 29 May 2011

currently working out how to de-friend bigots on facebook

it's in the options somewhere...

quiet day

played WoW, now going to strip the bed and wash the covers.

weird dream too

about building Daleks out of lego

early night last night

out of it by 9pm!

Saturday, 28 May 2011


what an ending!  what's going to happen next week?  it's going to be a long week until 6.40pm on the 4th of June 2011

(of course the wait for the second leg of the season will be even longer)

looking forward to Who tonight

just 45 mins to go :)

Friday, 27 May 2011

Red Dwarf

watched The End last night :)  it's a very quotable series :)

finished watching True Blood

last night :)  Can't wait for season 4 now :)

Thursday, 26 May 2011

ten down

two episodes of True Blood season 3 to go :)

Wednesday, 25 May 2011


not a bad start to the new series, lots of mystery and intrigue to deepen the storylines :)

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

one year older

not necessarily one year wiser

Monday, 23 May 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Not a bad little movie, takes a long time to get anywhere, but as Jack says it's not about the destination but the journey.  There's all the usual elements, the gritty grimey dirty squallor of London (sadly its still the same today) and there's boats and magic and lots of people shouting and screaming and doing stuff.  All in all though it didn't quite feel big enough in a way, like it was a taster for something better to follow on later.  If the rumours are true then there'll be another 2 movies coming along soon, hopefully they'll add some flavour for us to savour.

putting together a folder of my fave songs

for when I'm on my computer, I can listen to all myfaves without spending hours looking back and forth through al my files to find good somgs

Sunday, 22 May 2011

cheese sandwich for tea

something nice with flavour, and ketchup of course :)

doing me arcaeology on WoW

today, want to get max skill points if possible :)

3 of 5

the middle day of my super long birthday weekend and after a nice lie in I'm just chilling out listening to George Harrison and Bob Dylan

Saturday, 21 May 2011

The Rebel Doctor (?)

great story, looking forward to part 2

is awake

still got a sore neck, got the wheaty-heat bag on it though

Friday, 20 May 2011

drinking Pepsi Max

the taste of my generation :)

World of Warcraft

trying to get my DK to lvl 81 :)

more drugs :)

well hormone patches :)

one of five

the first day of my 5 day long birthday weekend starts now :)

Thursday, 19 May 2011

almost 9pm

and still light, winter's definetly a long time gone :)

still getting phishing e-mails from idiots

it's fun to see how pathetic they really are, even if they were genuine pleas from dying people I'd still ignore them

going to wear my new bra today

as well as my new red trousers, I've worn skirts for the past week so I guess I can wear trousers for a day :)

Might watch Dune tonight

the extended 3 hour version by David Lynch Alan Smithee

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Probably Poetry released as an e-book

my first collection of poetry has been adapted into an e-book, with better formatting and everything (so it scans easier on an e-reader) so buy it if you want or not, I don't expect anyone to buy any of my books so it's always a pleasent if someone does.

less than a week to go

to my birthday, now I just want to get it over with

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

I need a new bra

I just do, I'm bored with all my current ones, even the one I got just last month


had a good day, conference thingy in the morning (and lunchtime as well) then back to work for a quiet time doing a write up and handing out some leaflets too.

Monday, 16 May 2011

I love my new denim skirt

it's so very me :)

somedays I'm cursed with inspiration

as I've come up with abnother idea for a book, even though I'm still on editing one and I've just started another, this one is kind of based on a dream a bit but has some of my usual wacky ideas about gender identity and sexuality thrown in with a basic fight between good and evil, it's a lot more morally certain than what I've been writing so far

Sunday, 15 May 2011

listening to Don McLean

bye bye miss american pie

still feeling tired

took some anti flu pills to try and perk me up

2nd concert this year, first!

As well as going to see Judas Priest in July, I'm also going to see Ginger and Willie Dowling on their acoustic tour of the UK later this month, the day after my birthday to be exact :)

Saturday, 14 May 2011

The Doctor's Masterpiece

what an episode, amazing, superb, so under played and yet to epic too, a definite burst of excitement to counter last week's dullness.

off work now till tuesday

woo hoo :)

sooooooo tired

after work today, might have an afternoon nap...

Friday, 13 May 2011

watched Resident Evil

seen it b4 but it was good to watch it again after a couple of years :)

huge pile of washing to do

well it shouldn't be but my freshlly cleaned clothes got mixed in with my ready to wash clothes and rather than spend ages sorting them all out I'm simply going to wash the whole lot and that'll make sure everything's clean :)

poorly this morning

I thought I was getting flu again but it passed although I have felt really drained for all of today

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

yay, I get to work late tomorrow :)

I'll have to take the car in cos I won't get a bus home that late since the Tories stopped them running after 8pm

wore my sandals to work today

never again, my feet are way too sore to wear them for that length of time ever again

back to work today

after a nice long weekend off :)

watched Doctor Who

Spearhead from Space & Terror of the Autons :)

watched Father Ted

The first 4 episodes of the first season anyway :)

Monday, 9 May 2011

toast for breakfast

with some ketchup for flavour :)

played Civ IV

pretty much for the whole of the morning and the afternoon, and that was just one game :)

Sunday, 8 May 2011

a rainy day

still it's good for the garden and the ducks :)

Saturday, 7 May 2011

The Yawn of the Black Spot

rather dull really, next week looks good though :)

watched Survivors last night

well the first 3 episodes of the 1970's series :)  They're good, couldn't help compare them to the rebooted series episodes based on them, both tell the same sorts of stories but in their own ways.

Friday, 6 May 2011

off work now till tuesday :)

3 1/2 days of nowt, I intend to be a real lady of leisure (ie a lazy cow) :)

watched Rock & Chips last night

The pilot episode & the two specials, pity it never made it to a series as there's a lot of potential with this series, plus there's a lot left unsaid, but never mind.  The premise is good although some of the characters are less convincing than others, still they're not doing a straight copy of the characters but doing their own interpretation of them which gives these 3 stories an identity and strength of their own.

Rock & Chips - 9/10
Five Gold Rings - 8/10
The Frog & the Pussycat - 8/10

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

warm today

after a cold night, I'd prefer to chill out and have a quiet night but I have a bloke popping around to look at me electric

watched 8 eps of Black Books last night

I feel so decadant having such a lazy evening

20 days and counting

to my birthday...

might wear me black skirt to work today

as it looks to be a fabulous skirty kind of day :)

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

scripted up

got my prescription for more t-blocking pills :)

back to work

after the long double bank holiday weekend :)

Sunday, 1 May 2011


not a bad film, very funny at times epecially when they keep running him over.  Saw that the great JMS himself was responsible for the script which explains why the dialogue is so good as he has a genius talent for character interactions and relationships :)

1 year down, the rest of my life to go :)

it's not so much a real life test to see if I like living as a woman, so much as finally getting to live my life as the woman I've always been :)  It hasn't always been easy going but life isn't always easy going.  It's been better living in truth than living a lie because I am a woman, I've always been a woman, but a fluke of biology has hidden that truth and for a long time I lived in fear behind the lie not daring to tell the truth out of fear.  Now I've been the real me for a year and I've loved every second of it.  I have been as feminine and womanly as I've wanted to be and I want to be as much of a woman as any woman can be or would want to be.  It took 11 months to get onto hormones and I'm glad they're finally starting to reshape my body properly, giving me the real bust and bum that I should have had at puberty.  At last I'm finally starting to fill out my c cup bras by myself rather than relying on chicken filets.  I might have to start buying d cup bras by christmas, wouldn't that be something to look forward to?