Friday, 30 April 2010

shopping spree

I've just had such a girly evening shopping! I went up to Tesco Extra to have a look at their jeans because they have a 25% off sale on clothing, I managed to find myself a good pair in my size with a free belt. It's good I have these jeans because I can wear them for casual and not have to wear office-style trousers all the time. I also got myself some rings and some hair clips because its annoying me at the moment by ffalling across my face when I lean down and I need something to hold it back and not do that. Now that I'm living en femme 4 life I'm finding people are much more tolerent and accepting of me as a woman, even though I'm still making clumbsy mistakes because of my inexperiences of not being raised as a girl, like putting my purse away in my handbag before getting my change, as before I'd have a handy pocket to stuff it into, now all I have is in my handbag and I need to be more comfortable using it. I also got myself James Cameron's Avatar on dvd to watch, probably tomorrow sometime.

done my eyebrows

didn't hurt, compared to epilating my face anyway, butthe redness and swelling afterwards will take a couple of hours to go away, still my brows are much better now, soft feminine arches instead of horrid bushy expanses.

bought a new jacket

for casual and office wear, its black with a very thin pinstripe design, it'll go great with jeans or office trousers :) The shoulders are padded which doesn't healp my already wide shoulders, but it should be quite warm for the office in winter as its fully lined :)

the weekend starts here!

so long in fact that it spans from this weekend to next weekend! Nine days off and a lazy 10am start when I do return to work (instead of 8am) I'm so looking forward to being myself, words cannot express the fear (the good sort of fear, the fear of trying to justify everyone's good wishes and well beings in my transition) and joy at being here on the threshold of casting behind what's getting in the way of me being happy and living my life.

Thursday, 29 April 2010

officially me

it's officially official with legally bits and everything I'm Miss Rachel Georgina Morgan :) I know there's still a long way to go until I get my gender recognition certificate but it's a big stop on my way to being the me on the outside that I have always been on inside.

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Lvl 64

Daffknee has reached level 64 this evening on WoW. To celebrate I've ordered myself the 2nd WoW novel archive along with a new purse, which I was going to get myself anyway but it was a good time to do two orders at once.

doing my vocal excercises

to try and feminise my voice as best as it can be. This will make things easier when I'm out and about in public if I can sound more feminine from the get go then I'll feel more feminine and confident which will enhance my mannerisms and thus my appearance/body language.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Waters of Mars

I decided to rewatch the 10th Doctor's most dangerous adventure on DVD last night and found it still held up well after five months. 10thy starts off all wide eyed and full of optimism and hope and along the way he gets fearful, regretful and angry at his own impotence before finally becoming arrogant beyond even the Master! When he realises he's gone much too far he realises that his days are numbered, especially when Ood Sigma turns up to sing him a little song.

So Happy

about being out to my work colleagues :) It's a big step closer to trying to live a normal life (well as normal a life as I can have, not having a womb which is nobody's fault, not even the Romans) and I can at least be seen and treated as a woman, which is what I want, the good and the bad. Now I need to sort out what I'm going to wear on friday for the first day of the rest of my big girly life :)

Monday, 26 April 2010

Out At Work

Told my friends & colleagues at work that I'm trans, they were a bit stunned at first but quickly came to accept me, the girls even bought me a cute Rachel mug and a really pretty bunch of pink & white flowers :) I felt so accepted as the woman I am inside and am becoming outside. I was so scared before I told them and then in a twirly whirl after telling them, the day just flew by, it was finishing time long before I knew it!

Sunday, 25 April 2010


a mix of fantasy and sci-f like The Stones of Blood which sees medieval England set alongside futuristic spaceships & robots about a lost colonisation ship being exploited by all sides with the humans needing rescue by the Doctor & Peri, not a bad story but a little confusing at times...

Mission to Magnus

a decent adaptation of the novel, holding the Ice Warriors back to almost the end of part 1 seemed a bit of a shame really as they're the focus of much of the story's plot, the rest of it is just bumph and padding to ruin and stretch the plot out past what should have been an exciting one disc adventure...

listening to Curse of the Daleks

it's an interesting audio play, it doesn't have the Doctor in it though...

Saturday, 24 April 2010

The Time of Angels

10/10 just isn't high enough praise for this Hintonesque sequel to two of the most popular elements of the Tennant era, The Weeping Angels and River Song These very different story elements are woven together in a very grand and graphic space opera with glamour and grime getting an equal share in the mix. It could have all gone so very wrong but there's not one scene that isn't perfectly executed, allowing each moment to have its own time while building to the overall whole and the interplay between the characters is both complex and simple, taking so many disperate characters each with their own agenda and putting them on a clash with an enemy which gives them very few options, and in the end seemingly only one...

3 new Who books

I got the 3 new Doctor Who novels today from Waterstones, buy 2 get 1 free :) I also bought the telegraph for the free Runaway Train audiobook, I kept the CD and gave the paper away. It's going to be a very Who-y weekend here :)

WoW - good stuff

not only is Daffknee lvl 2, but she's got the next flying skill I was after so now I can fly her about in outland and see things from a different (and safer) perspective, I'll have to pop back to Ebon Hold at some point to see if there's any more training available for her, though there's have a few quests in the swamp that she needs to do first for the gold and xp.

Friday, 23 April 2010

washing done

I've done my washing for the week, it'll save me time tomorrow after work when I'll be tired and so I can do the washing up then instead. I don't put my knickers out on the line, in case someone tries to steal them, there was a spate of knicker nicking a few years ago and I'd rather not have to replace mine, especially the more expensive ones.

playing wow


Thursday, 22 April 2010

Flight 666

a week after the volcano grounded all air flights I'm celebrating the flying ban being lifted by listening to Iron Maiden's Flight 666 live album :) 16 great songs, some long time classics and a few resurrected hits from long ago...


my game card arrived in the post yesterday, in time for me to add it so I can have uninterrupted playing :) I'll have to leave myself more prominent reminders for next time...

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Too Tired for WoW

I want to play, to try and get Daffknee up to lvl 61 but I just don't have enough focus left to do that, I'll just have to get up super early in the morning and play then.

Great Chat About X-Men Characters

with one of my work colleagues, she loves Wolverine and I adore Cyclos.

Green Green Grass DVD

bought season 3 on DVD at lunchtime, the only high spot of an otherwise mostly depressing day

Tough Day

at work, really did loads of work, tired now, but not sleepy tired :(

Monday, 19 April 2010

Poem of the Day

Walking With Shoes

Getting from A to B should be easy, see
But sometimes the journey is such fun
And the footwear choices can be key
Boots for rain and sandals for the sun
Going places at random is pretty nice too
It can be good to slink or even skip
Wandering at random without a clue
Going anywhere on an interesting trip
Flats are so fun for everyday wear
Whatever I pick reflects upon me
Heels are for partying without a care
The feminine footwear of this she
There's sometimes hurting and pain
But I think of the feminine chic I gain

Playing World of Warcraft

I've just gotten my Orc Death Knight Daffknee to lvl 60 and now I'm trying to find her a riding instructor to take her skill to the next level so I can use flying mounts and not just land-based ones.

Speech Therapy

attended my appt today, I think it went well, Susan gave me some excercises to do to help feminize my voice. I was also out and proud for the very first time entirely as myself, I was nervous but tried to be confident or at least give the air of confidence so that others saw me as my womanly self and not the lie I've lived behind my whole life until that point. Now I've started telling the truth about myself to the world, I can be myself at last :)

Blood Pressure Check

got it measured again this morning, its down from last time, which is good, not sure how exactly as I've had one or two choccy bars I shouldn't have really had ;)

Iron Man 2 OST

listening to this on loop for much of the day, some of AC/DC's best known songs with some lesser known gems thrown in too. Shoot to Thrill is a classic punch the air song and seems to serve as much as a trailer for the film as this CD.