Sunday, 16 December 2012
An Unexpected Hobbit
Well after all the waiting (I booked tickets back in the middle of November, oh yes precious we didsies) The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey was unveiled to me and my friend Zoe today and it did not disappoint. Crammed full of deadly orcs, villianous goblins, monstrous wargs and sizzling irishmen and the delectible Cate Blanchett, the film rollops along with all the fun and excitement of any of the sequel films. One must not think of the Hobbit as a lesser work merely because it came first and it's not as long, the book crams its plot into its pages, so there's more than enough to go around for the duration this the first installment of the trilogy. I don't want to go into too many spoilers here but there's something in this for die-hard LOTR fans as well as the newcomers. Plus the fantastic scenary is a visual banquet for the eyes, much is made of the locations, there's a real sense of connection between the journey of Thorin's company and the one the Fellowship travelled upon, indeed much effort is made to link them up whenever possible, from Hobbiton to Rivendell there is a sense of homecoming for me as a fan of the Ring trilogy. That said Hobbit has its own identity, it's own tone and it's own story to tell. Much effort is made to recreate Gollum, one of the highlights of LotR, although here we see perhaps a happier Gollum, more care free and even happy and yet the danger of the character is never far away. The ending of the first installment was more or less where I felt it might be after re-reading the book last month. There's still so much of the journey to go and unlike our heroes I don't think the worst is behind them...
Saturday, 1 December 2012
well that was November
and I completed NaNoWriMo for the fifth year running, despite a rather slow start, now comes all the editing to make the thing presentable. I do try to edit the worst mistakes as I go along, but even so I always find some things that need changing/amending/deleting or even enhancing. One story a few years ago I needed to swap quite a few scenes around because I'd taken a break while writing and put a logical error in it after resuming writing and I didn't notice it for nearly six months! Plus a fresh look at a story after a little time away from it does add perspective.
Friday, 30 November 2012
Happy Birthday Benny
renowned archaeologist, raconteur and barfly Bernice Summerfield 20 years young today, well at least her adventures are, and despite the release of the adaptation of Love and War last month the festivities continue in this special audio release :)
renowned archaeologist, raconteur and barfly Bernice Summerfield 20 years young today, well at least her adventures are, and despite the release of the adaptation of Love and War last month the festivities continue in this special audio release :)
Sunday, 18 November 2012
doing nanowrimo
it's coming along well this year, not quite so rushed as last year, taking my time a little more, as I don't want to lose any character moments in the rush to complete plot points
Saturday, 13 October 2012
Thursday, 11 October 2012
weird dreams last night
I dreamed that I was waiting for a lift to arrive in Newcastle but it was taking ages so I took the stairs instead, only to find some sort of warping in the fabric of space was making the stairwell wider and narrower, then when I got upstairs there was no door for the floor I want and when I went downstairs I ended up emerging out of a door next to Sainsbury's in Framwellgate Moor!
Then I dreamed that I still had my old Nissan Micra from ten years ago, and that I owned two homes.
Then I dreamed that I still had my old Nissan Micra from ten years ago, and that I owned two homes.
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
river wrong
I should have realised with all the rain yesterday the river would be up high, but even I didn't think it'd have gone over so impressively, I've seen in higher, but where I normally park was totally cut off by the water. I think I'll take the bus in tomorrow, as I doubt all that water will be gone by tomorrow morning.
Monday, 24 September 2012
grotty day
it's been a very rainy & windy day but not imo the month of rain in one day that was being bandied around the interweb last night, I hope it clears up soon as I have meetings to go to tomorrow...
Friday, 14 September 2012
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
Sunday, 17 June 2012
weird naughty dream last night
all I'm going to say is that I was chained upside down by my ankles with Jason Momoa and Lucy Liu who weren't...!
Saturday, 16 June 2012
well that was a 1/2 boring day off
got almost all my housework finished (after not doing it for 3 months) and I made up for it with some WoW :)
Thursday, 14 June 2012
day off tomorrow
I medically need it too, too back I have to go out to the post office, I'd just like to spend all day in bed!
went shopping after work, managed to resist the urge to buy chocolate, although I did buy 2 small tirimasu's. got some shloer, trying the rose, it's ok on the whole although I do prefer the white grape
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
quiet day today
didn't do much, gregg's for lunch, as I needed to get out for a walk and I had an afternoon meeting
Monday, 11 June 2012
Being Referred to Surgeon
After coming out to my parents as trans nearly 3 years ago and living full time for over 2 years and being on hormones for over 1 year I'm being referred to a trans gender surgeon for a consultation re my options for M2F surgery :) Not sure what they'll say yet but I'm sure they'll be able to advise me on what's best for me. Personally speaking I'd like the 'full monty' but if it's too risky then there's other options. Considering the amount of damage I've caused myself down there over the years, I'll spare the details, I'll be grateful if at the very least they can stop the constant physical pain I'm in, but far more grateful obviously if they're able to install all the right plumbing I should have had from birth.
self harm,
I picked up the latest issue today, it's a good magazine with lots of interesting articles and it's got a lot of great insight that's good for me not just as a LGBT rep but as a bisexual woman who's attracted more towards other women than men.
The World of Poo
I picked up one of the three new Terry Pratchett books today, the WH Smith's exclusive collector's edition at that, and it was half price too!
New Bra
It's one of those fancy modern bras that can be worn without a top! It's black with sparkly bits and while not underwired it looks comfy enough, I'll give it a try out tomorrow (under a top, I don't want to scare people off with my huge belly) and see how it goes.
Sunday, 6 May 2012
added more bits & bobs here and there over the last week or so, let JMac read a page of it on Friday just gone, it was a rough first draft for a character's speech in DM'sH:TK, which I've yet to plot out, never mind write, so i hope he's kind and sympathetic to the prose after reading it...
Sunday, 22 April 2012
lodge of the damned
written a couple more bits of this book, it's taking a long time to put everything together for it
Friday, 24 February 2012
quiet few days
busy at work, early nights watching QI and Wonders of the Universe bluray with sexy Brian Cox :)
Saturday, 18 February 2012
The Gods of War/Goddess of Love saga
The timeline sort of runs
The Goddess of Love - Part One
The Goddess of Love - Part Two
The Goddess of Love - Part Three
The Gods of War - Part One
The Gods of War - Part Two
Neptune: Ocean Invasion (it's actually set during Part Two)
The Gods of War - Part Three
The Gods of War - Part Four
but bear in mind that The Goddess of Love books are more of a dry run prototype for what the Gods of War books would become, which is why it took so long to write TGOL because they needed six more years of work doing to them to get them ready for publishing as they were a very different approach to the characters and the various species and in some cases characters, anyway the version of Venus that appears in TGOW1 is a new aspect to those in TGOL.
The Goddess of Love - Part One
The Goddess of Love - Part Two
The Goddess of Love - Part Three
The Gods of War - Part One
The Gods of War - Part Two
Neptune: Ocean Invasion (it's actually set during Part Two)
The Gods of War - Part Three
The Gods of War - Part Four
but bear in mind that The Goddess of Love books are more of a dry run prototype for what the Gods of War books would become, which is why it took so long to write TGOL because they needed six more years of work doing to them to get them ready for publishing as they were a very different approach to the characters and the various species and in some cases characters, anyway the version of Venus that appears in TGOW1 is a new aspect to those in TGOL.
Friday, 17 February 2012
bit of editing tonight
then Robots of Death before bed, must get these current 2 books finished this weekend...
Tomb of the Cybermen
last night, with the new commentary, not a bad story, not one of my faves it must be said but no where near as bad as Genesis of the Daleks or Fear Her.
Thursday, 16 February 2012
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Doctor Who tonight...
...but which one? decisions, decisions. The Tomb of the Cybermen, The Three Doctors or The Robots of Death?
got my femmy gel
finally, a mere five days after submitting my script I have my new stock of hormones :)
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
again no feminising drugs
hopefully they'll have them tomorrow, but I doubt I'll be able to collect them as I need to go to the post office to get a parcel and tomorrow is the only late opening day of the week, it's a tricky one...
Monday, 13 February 2012
Sunday, 12 February 2012
finished the 2nd draft
of TGOL-P3, there's still one bit of story out there on one of my old discs that I want to try and find so I'm holding off doing any more in the hope I can find it and add it in as it's a nice little character bit and helps explain a few things in the 2nd half of the book, it's not vital it's recovered but it is referred to a couple of times. If only I'd archived this bit better than parts 1 & 2...
still editing
TGOL-P3, added some more stuff, also thought previously lost, and have taken out some of the stranger bits, although I'm leaving the small bit written in script for as is, because it's meant be be strange.
Saturday, 11 February 2012
moving on
getting the second draft of The Goddess of Love - Part Three down atm, this was throught lost but it turned up :)
writing & editing
I've completed the first draft of The Succubi: Milly's Battle and I've finished editing the second draft of The Goddess of Love - Part Two
also listening to great music :)
also listening to great music :)
Thursday, 9 February 2012
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Monday, 6 February 2012
early night tonight :)
had me tea and I'm on earlies this week so it's time for some zzzz's once I write down my great movie idea onto some note paper :)
Good Morning
I have not one not three but two cuppas this morning on account that it's cold and I like a nice morning cuppa :)
Saturday, 4 February 2012
Friday, 3 February 2012
six chapters edited now
and another eleven to go and this is just to spot all the major spelling errors, once this is done it's time to go back through it to spot all the smaller errors and any continunity glitches, then once more looking at syntax and character language uses, to make sure each character speaks in the same way through the whole book and suddenly doesn't go from using big long words to talking a lot of slan and then back again as I found once in a story a few years ago.
Thursday, 2 February 2012
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
Monday, 30 January 2012
finishing the editing
for The Goddess of Love - Part One, this is something I wrote a very long time agon and I'm still working on the editing of it after all this time. It's over 600 pages long and so needs a lot of going through to spot all the spelling mistakes and syntax errors I made while learning to write.
Sunday, 29 January 2012
writing a new book
The Lodge of the Damned is on hold atm as I'm on writing The Succubi: Milly's Story, a short novel based on but not following on from on my earlier novel The Succubi: Charlotte's War. It picks up a couple of years after the defeat of the Limbo and features new characters and new threats, although Charlotte does pop up at one point. I just really wanted to expand that universe and bring in some new ideas and dangers.
another great lie in
have to shower and tart myself up earlier today though. Maybe my purple trousers and strappy top and my big woolly cardie as well, as it feels cold this morning.
Saturday, 28 January 2012
lazy saturday
I've had a decadent lie in already, half eight! I don't plan on getting out my nightie now until at least noon :)
Friday, 27 January 2012
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
3 down 2 to go
then the week's over and I have a nice 3 day weekend before doing it all over again...
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Monday, 23 January 2012
and I forget to put my estrogen gel on again, it's not the best form of medication, especially when I'm late for work...
Sunday, 22 January 2012
new lulu
I've had to reboot my lulu, my old account was so messed up and all the half-finished projects had buried all my finished books and I accidentally deleted my online store so I really had to start again and I hope to spend more time this year writing so it makes sense to start the year this way.
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