Wednesday, 21 September 2011

quiet wednesday morning

I hope today's this dull & quiet :)

Monday, 19 September 2011

yarrr, it be talk like a pirate day

avast ye lubbers, splice the main brace, hoist the flag and haul the anchor

Saturday, 17 September 2011

poorly tummy

can't think what its off but I hope I'm better tomorrow...


A good episode of Doctor Who, not as good as last week but more interesting with all the running and the screaming and the Weeping Angels.  The ending was kind of forced imo, Rory leaving has been signposted for the last couple of episodes but making skirt girl leave felt kind of clunky because she wasn't ready to go and it feels like we'll see her again because she's not ready to give up the Doctor just yet...

home again

from the salt mine, and I ache all over!

Saturday, 10 September 2011

The Blair Witch Moon Landing

Apollo 18 is great, it forgoes unnecessary CGI in exchange for physical and emotional intensity and drama, I'd take quality of acting over flashy visual effects any day, luckily most of my fave  telly shows and films combine both.  It's a brave attempt at film making, and one that's rewarding, keeping the scares back for the last half hour of the film allows the viewer to get to know the characters, to feel a bond and a connection to and with them, so when things really go wrong we feel scared for them and want them to get out of danger.  The ending is implied with the loss of all three astronauts but there's just enough wriggle room in there for a sequel if they want to make one.

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Night Terrors (or that Tomorrow People story)

Tonight was a good episode of Doctor Who, the only problem is I've seen this story before, when it was a 70's Tomorrow People story called The Blue and the Green, but at lest night didn't end with the Doctor hijacking a space satellite and putting everyone to sleep.
Rory and Amy were slightly put to one side to give the Doctor a more centre-stage appearance, although Rory once again gets to act all heroic, this time with a mop.  Still last week he punched Hitler!