Tuesday, 25 September 2012

river wrong

I should have realised with all the rain yesterday the river would be up high, but even I didn't think it'd have gone over so impressively, I've seen in higher, but where I normally park was totally cut off by the water.  I think I'll take the bus in tomorrow, as I doubt all that water will be gone by tomorrow morning.

Monday, 24 September 2012

grotty day

it's been a very rainy & windy day but not imo the month of rain in one day that was being bandied around the interweb last night, I hope it clears up soon as I have meetings to go to tomorrow...
World of Warcraft expansion pack The Mists of Pandaria is out tomorrow :)  I've got the deluxe edition pre-ordered as the extras really make it worth the extra imo :)

Friday, 14 September 2012

QI was good tonight

very funny & very vulgar!

Wednesday, 12 September 2012