Friday, 24 February 2012

quiet few days

busy at work, early nights watching QI and Wonders of the Universe bluray with sexy Brian Cox :)

Saturday, 18 February 2012

The Gods of War/Goddess of Love saga

The timeline sort of runs

The Goddess of Love - Part One
The Goddess of Love - Part Two
The Goddess of Love - Part Three
The Gods of War - Part One
The Gods of War - Part Two
Neptune: Ocean Invasion (it's actually set during Part Two)
The Gods of War - Part Three

The Gods of War - Part Four

but bear in mind that The Goddess of Love books are more of a dry run prototype for what the Gods of War books would become, which is why it took so long to write TGOL because they needed six more years of work doing to them to get them ready for publishing as they were a very different approach to the characters and the various species and in some cases characters, anyway the version of Venus that appears in TGOW1 is a new aspect to those in TGOL.

more edity goodness

working on Goddess of Love 3 and listening to Iron Maiden :)

Friday, 17 February 2012

bit of editing tonight

then Robots of Death before bed, must get these current 2 books finished this weekend...

Tomb of the Cybermen

last night, with the new commentary, not a bad story, not one of my faves it must be said but no where near as bad as Genesis of the Daleks or Fear Her.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Three Doctors

I decided to watch The Three Doctors and very enjoyable it was too :)

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Doctor Who tonight...

...but which one? decisions, decisions.  The Tomb of the Cybermen, The Three Doctors or The Robots of Death?

got my femmy gel

finally, a mere five days after submitting my script I have my new stock of hormones :)

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

again no feminising drugs

hopefully they'll have them tomorrow, but I doubt I'll be able to collect them as I need to go to the post office to get a parcel and tomorrow is the only late opening day of the week, it's a tricky one...

Monday, 13 February 2012

home from work

still no girly drugs at the chemist's though :(

bit of quick editing this morning

to The Succubi: Milly's Battle, just to get the tense right

Sunday, 12 February 2012

finished the 2nd draft

of TGOL-P3, there's still one bit of story out there on one of my old discs that I want to try and find so I'm holding off doing any more in the hope I can find it and add it in as it's a nice little character bit and helps explain a few things in the 2nd half of the book, it's not vital it's recovered but it is referred to a couple of times.  If only I'd archived this bit better than parts 1 & 2...

still editing

TGOL-P3, added some more stuff, also thought previously lost, and have taken out some of the stranger bits, although I'm leaving the small bit written in script for as is, because it's meant be be strange.

good morning world

a great lie in today :)

Saturday, 11 February 2012

moving on

getting the second draft of The Goddess of Love - Part Three down atm, this was throught lost but it turned up :)

writing & editing

I've completed the first draft of The Succubi: Milly's Battle and I've finished editing the second draft of The Goddess of Love - Part Two

also listening to great music :)

Thursday, 9 February 2012

off work

until Monday :)

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

The Sarah Jane Adventures - Season 5

got the Blu Ray today, so that's tonight's viewing sorted

I have a new mobile phone

it's nice and lilac and touch screen :)

Monday, 6 February 2012

early night tonight :)

had me tea and I'm on earlies this week so it's time for some zzzz's once I write down my great movie idea onto some note paper :)

Good Morning

I have not one not three but two cuppas this morning on account that it's cold and I like a nice morning cuppa :)

Saturday, 4 February 2012

listening to Anthrax

The Greater of Two Evils, disc 2 :)

Friday, 3 February 2012

six chapters edited now

and another eleven to go and this is just to spot all the major spelling errors, once this is done it's time to go back through it to spot all the smaller errors and any continunity glitches, then once more looking at syntax and character language uses, to make sure each character speaks in the same way through the whole book and suddenly doesn't go from using big long words to talking a lot of slan and then back again as I found once in a story a few years ago.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

half day off work

put diesel in the car, did some shopping, got my meds and now having a cuppa :)

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

got 2 more chapters edited

for Goddess of Love - Part 2, then I watched Star Trek as a reward :)

awake early

well for my late shift, having soup for breakfast :)